Lets talk about the doctrine of Dispensation
One question I do have is "Can you believe in or not believe the Dispensation Doctrine and still go to heaven?"
I am a dispensationalist and believe you can be saved whether you are one or not.
in the church age, depends exclusively on if a person at one point in their life trusted nothing but the righteousness of Christ to save them from judgment.
The only time ignoring the doctrine can lead to hell is as in the case of, sadly, many (though not all), Catholics and Orthodox, who imagine themselves under the teachings of Christ in the gospels, or of James, and thus,
consistently with their understanding, work to earn their salvation at least in part, believing in faith+works, and therefore never come to trust only the righteousness of Christ.
But as for the people on this board who declare they trust nothing but the righteousness of Christ, then they are saved, whether they are dispensationalists or not.