Especially when someone invokes the Psalm 47!I have wondered when worship became so focused on us and what we do in terms of corporate praise instead of on God and what He had done. It seems to me that our act of worship should be presenting ourselves as sacrifices based on who God is and what He's done through redemptive history in hope and light of that final salvation to come.
Personally, I do not know how many more times I can stand in church and invoke God to take His place or be asked to "give God a hand (clapping)" after a song. The first seems almost pagan to me and the latter childish.
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Do they not know that the word "clap" is to be taken as a single blow? It is the expression seen most often when one encounters something wonderful as a grandmother sees the grandchild for the first time, slaps the hands together in a clasp. Or one may slap their head when they remember something forgotten.
Just any excess is excusable in the modern church, immorality, over indulgence, charisma, ... If it is all done "For the Lord" then it must certainly be approved by God.