Yet, you claimed to be as adamantly apposed to the deterministic perspective that we both know he argued for. But, for some unknown reason, you don't take the "courtesy" to address our differences in private. Aren't we both "heretics" according to your last post?You = Van -- Me = Luke.
What you can't know (and I will not make public) are the number of private messages I sent back and forth with Luke. I will say publicly that I will not carry Calvinism to the same place he carries it.
1. I have made it clear that labels must be defined because each carry a different connotation to each individual. I believe many "Calvinists" here feel the same way.Van, on the other hand, has vigorously attacked Arminianism, your ensconced position. You also have argued far askance of classical Arminianism, and when I have made attempts to qualify the source of your Arminian holdings, you have been resistant. Is it Wesleyan, pure Arminius, Remonstrance, or what?
2. I can't every remember being resistant to give you names of good scholars that I admire or read. Adam Clarke is one I have referred to quite regularly. I also enjoy much of what Wesley and Arminius have written. Like Calvinists, there are some points of disagreement or various ways I might nuance my view that would differ from some of the scholars I respect.
You keep saying this, but where does anything I have ever published say "the defeat of Calvinism?"You, sir, have an agenda that is published for all the world to see, and that agenda is the defeat of Calvinism.
My blog, which I don't even reference anymore, is called 'critiquing calvinism," and I have always been very respectful and Christlike to those who disagree with me on that site.
My agenda is to "DEBATE" points of doctrinal disagreement, most of which do surround the subject of soteriology. If you have a problem with that "agenda" I would suggest you avoid visiting a "BAPTIST DEBATE FORUM" > "THEOLOGY" web site. So, my agenda is simple. To debate doctrine, and in doing so I do learn and come to a better understanding of scripture, and since I have changed once from being a Calvinist to an Arminian while on this very board, I would submit that I have proven myself more willing to learn and change than you.
And is your "agenda" in coming hear so much more noble? If so, why? Cause you think your right? Let's be objective brother.
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