Mint is the Linux distro that I have the least experience with. I tried it for a day, because I was told that Bible Analyzer's latest Beta Linux was built on Mint. That might be true, but Bible Analyzer didn't work better in Mint on the HP Stream laptop. I am running Kubuntu Gorilla right now, for better and worse, mostly for the sake of Bible Analyzer and Xiphos.
Friends have told me that I am the most aggressive distro-hopper they have ever met. It hasn't been by choice or curiosity: it was just what I had to do to get my schoolwork done on the hardware available to me at the time. I kept showing up at college with a new piece of junk hardware, and a new distro, and new crazy story of what happened to what I had been using the day before.
I go through hardware like the cookie monster goes through cookies. Spending more doesn't help, so now I just start off with the cheapest junk possible on purpose, and make it work somehow, some way. Logos throws a wrench in that plan, though, except for when Windows does work on the most powerful laptop. I almost didn't bring this laptop with me, because it is big and heavy, and wasn't able to run Windows at the time. Good thing I brought it, because both Windows and Logos are running on it right now.