Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians? Christians get married in front of God and their Christian friends, all of whom are praying to God for the marriage to succeed. And then they say, "What God has put together, let no man put asunder." God is all-powerful, so if God has put two people together that should seal the deal, right?
Are there any circumstances where it is okay for a baptist to get a divorce?
I know a girl who's marriage was rocky and she sought assistance from her Baptist Pastor and he lead her into doing everything possible to get a divorce, including filling for divorce in the court system.
Is this okay biblically speaking.
Would you consider a baptist Preacher that leads his members into divorce a true pastor? Because, I don't know of any baptist pastors that condone it.
Are there any circumstances where it is okay for a baptist to get a divorce?
I know a girl who's marriage was rocky and she sought assistance from her Baptist Pastor and he lead her into doing everything possible to get a divorce, including filling for divorce in the court system.
Is this okay biblically speaking.
Would you consider a baptist Preacher that leads his members into divorce a true pastor? Because, I don't know of any baptist pastors that condone it.
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