Actually, I have known many people who have come to Christ because they first desired to come to church. Often it is because of a life circumstance that has caused them to seek the comfort of what they once knew, whether it is someone who recently lost a loved one or a young family who is seeking to raise their kids with something that they had growing up. My husband has given the straight up gospel in a message because he sees someone new there and there have been times that they have not been saved but responded there in church. They came because they remembered going to church with grandma and wanted to experience that again. God had other plans.
I will say, however, you quoted a portion of my post that was responding to a poster who didn't know what to do with the answer, "None" when asked "What church will you be attending," as if that is a prerequisite for marriage in american culture.
And that is part of the problem in America today, culture Christianity. We EXPECT people to have the same routine as us.
Should we invite people to Church? Absolutely.
Should we be Sharing the Gospel in whatever Capacity the Lord has given us? Even more Important.
You never know if the person you've invited to church has had a mother praying for them for years and witnessing to them every chance she gets.
My simple point is, don't be shocked when unbelievers don't want to go to church.
And Lastly
(This isn't directed about anyone specifically), don't portray that church attendance is the end all be all of a Spiritually Healthy Relationship with God(to a lost person). Jesus said very clearly, "you must be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God." People wonder why there are so many lost people sitting in pews today--It's because Church folk have insinuated that Going to Church is the ticket into heaven! Go to church, if you don't you're bad. Go to church, you'll feel better about yourself and your circumstances. Go to church and you'll be a better person. How Preposterous!