The Reformation began in 1517 the 95 thesis.
Baptist groups did not show up until around 1609
Some want to trace our history to Ana-Baptists - but actual decendents incluse Amish,
Mennonites, Bretheren, German Baptists.
Some will say we are decendents of local assemblies from the time of Christ. Really?
Is it bad to be called a Prosteant?
Open for discussion
- 1.a member or follower of any of the Western Christian churches that are separate from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches.
The Reformation began in 1517 the 95 thesis.
Baptist groups did not show up until around 1609
Some want to trace our history to Ana-Baptists - but actual decendents incluse Amish,
Mennonites, Bretheren, German Baptists.
Some will say we are decendents of local assemblies from the time of Christ. Really?
Is it bad to be called a Prosteant?
Open for discussion