In the early days my employment caused us to relocate quite frequently. As a result we've visited and attended many Baptist Churches up and down the East Coast. Individuals who remain in their immediate home area for life really can't identify. All they realize is what is at home.
We visited an old Baptist Church in upstate Zoo York once and everyone in the building were elderly, including the pastor. During his sermon he said something for which I offered up an, "Amen", which caused every person in the building to turn and look at me. I thought it was funny.
I was in one church where one refused to shake my hand as, due to my employment, my right hand had become somewhat stained in the palm area. It was clean, just somewhat discolored. What made it so bad was he openly commented about it loud enough for others to hear. All eyes drifted my way.
Over the years we have witnessed a lot of differing customs, practices and attitudes from different congregations which is to be expected, I suppose. In one church my wife was asked where she purchased her "Costume Jewelry". Wow!!! A lot of odd ball attitudes out there.
(Not church related...just a funny happening)
At my sons wedding in Maine I was asked to say a prayer just before the Justice of the Peace began the ceremony. After the wedding the JP came up asking if I was a, "Man of the Cloth". Funny, funny, funny.