I'm very disappointed in this thread.
In the first place, idolatry is forbidden in both the 1st and 2nd commandments of the Decalogue, so any accusation of a Christian committing idolatry is a very serious one, akin to accusing a fellow believer of murder, robbery or adultery. In this thread, the charge is simply thrown out against a whole group of fellow believers with no proof whatsoever.
In the second place, the charge of worshipping the Bible was originally one leveled by liberals calling it bibliolatry against any evangelical who believes in verbal plenary inspiration--something I assume all of those on this thread believe. We should not follow liberals in any way, including this. As John R. Rice said, "So liberals in the churches, claiming to be Christians when they are not, claiming to speak as prophets of God when they represent Satan and not God, are enemies of the Bible and are wicked men, deceitful men" (Our God-Breathed Book, the Bible, pp. 39-40).
In the third place, I've seen real idolatry many times here in Japan. I've seen people bow to idols made of wood, stone or metal, pray to idols and give offerings to idols. That's real idolatry. KJVO people may truly love the Word of God, as has been seen many times on the BB, but they certainly do not bow to it, pray to it and give offerings to it. Even such radicals as Ruckman and Riplinger, who I strongly oppose, do no such thing.
Enough said.