I guess you need to define "free" will. I know we have human will, and we do make choices, but that will is not "free" from outside and inside influences.
Adam and Eve had "free" will in the sense they were not influenced by sin, and yet they were not "free" from outside influence, since Satan tempted Eve and then Eve led her husband into rebellion.
Someone said we have the ability to choose what is right. Isn't that what Satan told Eve (right after telling her she wouldn't surely die)... that if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she would be "like God" knowing good and evil, implying, IMHO, that she would have the ability to choose good rather than evil without God's help?
So, no, I don't think we have "free will" like Adam. "Free will" is an illusion, a lie, a fabrication of Satan to trick mankind into trusting themselves and their own abilities instead of trusting God....IMHO.
peace to you
