What makes you think Adam had free will?
Of course Adam did, because the relationship between God and Adam was exactly opposite than what it was after Adam determined to love Eve more than God.
If strict Calvinism is adhered to Adam had no choice except to fall because it was ordained of God.
Not really, again, the prophetic relationship of man and salvation was not given until God confronted the serpent. That is when the promise was given of a future redemptive work.
If man was elect before the foundation of the world then Adam had to sin based on Calvinism.
Would you show where calvinistic thinking would hold to this view? Not to say that some may, but perhaps you can be more specific as to who and what the statement was including where it can be found for validation.
I certainly do not hold that statement in agreement. Again, the relationship of Adam to God was completely different in Eden. That relationship is not enjoyed in full until the completed redemptive work (not just in conversion) but also when the population of the new heaven and earth is complete and God has wiped away all tears.
So to the question do we have free will today as did Adam. Yes there is no difference. He chose and we choose. He was awake in his choosing and we have to be awaken to choose, but we both choose. I hold that in the mist of God's sovereign will man exercises free will. Both election and free will working together without one overriding the other.
Of course you would post that man has "free will" / "free choice" for your view of the fall and the condition of Adam before and after would oblige that view.
However, I have posted extensively that there is no "free will" for there are consequences to any choice.
Man does not now, nor, from being put out of Eden has ever, enjoyed "freedom of choice." Man can't even commit suicide unless Christ allows for He holds the keys of life and death.
There is and never was (except in Eden) "freedom of choice" and "free will."
Adam was intellectually far more acute than modern man, for he choose the name of creation's elements. Adam could talk and walk with God in more intimate fashion than even the angels. Adam had knowledge and understanding of God and the world (for he was to care for the creation) above any - even the serpent. The Scriptures do not say the serpent had greater intellectual capacity than Adam, nor does the Scriptures state that Adam was deceived into eating what was forbidden.
When Adam chose Eve over God, the relationship to God changed, and it was never the same from that point, nor ever again (until the new body is given), will be the same. God barred man from Eden. God barred man from the intimate fellowship once enjoyed. Man is completely fallen and cannot "freely choose" or "freely will" anything other than the wages of sin.
I will give one example of the change. In Eden, Adam and Eve had no concept of shame.
There isn't a living soul that has or will ever live that doesn't know and experienced shame and the desire to cover up.