Wow. Do the naysayers know that Dr. Dockery is a bigwig in the SBC? (those were his words about alternatives to
inerrant and
David Dockery is the doyen of Christian higher education
Baptist Press 8-17-1990 "Scholars Discuss Ways to Move Beyond the Impasse":
"Dockery said Southern Baptists will have to decide if 'we can hold together tensions on various views about the Bible as well as various views of interpreting the Bible.' Southern Baptists must understand the Bible is truthful, authoritative and is both a divine and human book, said Dockery. 'A lot of us get quite hung up on terms like inerrant and infallible,' he said. 'I think it is very possible to move the discussion forward and still talk about the nature of Scripture without using those particular red flag terms.' Within the Southern Baptist Convention, the terms communicate more about political parties than the nature of Scripture, he said. 'I would prefer that we talk about the Scripture as truthful, reliable and authoritative and see it having to be the normative guide for the church, for our lives and for the Christian community'."