I documented every allegation with multiple quotes"
I see no quotes to show that I have ever claimed that I was smarter than you. I see no quotes to show that I call every dissenting opinion a "lie." (I do call some this, when the shoe fits, but that is differnt than your charge of "every dissenting opinion." To prove that you need to show that, well, I have called everyone that has ever disagreed with me a liar. Tough row for you.) I see no quotes that show that I have offered no support for my opinions. In fact I provided statements and links in this very thread. I see no quotes from you ppoking holes in my theories. I see nothing from you to support your claims of false assumptions. I see nothing from you support your reasons to dismiss all of "biology, [and] also geology, physics, chemistry, astronony, paleontology and the other sciences." I see nothing that counters my statements showing how evolution is a testable theory.
Just where are your statements and quotes supporting your allegations? I see none.
I have read your previous posts and I have yet to see a single bit of factual support that was not based on assumption and opinion."
Let's just take one statement of mine at random.
Let's first take the one about reptiles never stop growing. In a strict sense it is true for some reptiles. But, the growth is not constant. It slows greatly as the animals get older. So longer periods of growth would not form giants. In addition, most lizards do stop growing once they reach adult size. So the claim is misleading at best.
So which parts about the observation of growth rates of reptiles are based only "assumption and opinion" and are not "factual?" Support your assertion!
I guess you wanted to stick to the topic of differences between dinosaurs and modern reptiles. Yea there are differences, there are also similarities. They are both reptiles. That's good enough for me."
You have a low standard of proof. They are reptiles, of course there are similarities. But there are also key differences. These you are willing to ignore.
Dinosaurs and molizards are both part of a group of reptiles known as diapsids. Dinosaurs are part of a group of diapsids known as the sub-class Archosauria which is then subdivided into several orders. Lizards belong to a sub-class called Lepidosauria, an order called squamata and the sub-order Lacertilia. Let's look at the differences.
First the pelvis. "The most striking characteristic of the Archosauria is the triradiate pelvis. In the Lepidosauria (including lizards) the ilium extends dorsally, articulating with two, unfused, sacral vertebrae. The ischium and pubis are parallel to the ground surface, and fused in the midline. In the archosaurs (including dinosaurs), the ilium is expanded along its dorsal margin, and articulates with three or four fused vertebrae. The ischium extends posteroventrally and the pubis anteroventrally. The pubes and ischii are fused laterally for most of their length."
Let's look at the teeth. "The teeth in lepidosaurs are pleurordont. That is, they are set in a long groove in the jaws with a high outer and low inner wall. The individual teeth are fused to the outer wall of the groove without roots. In the archosaurs the teeth are thecodont. They are set in deep individual sockets which enclose the long, cylindrical root of the tooth. The lower jaw of the lepidosaurs (Romer, fig. 108, p. 208.) has a well developed coronoid process which forms the upper margin of the mandible behind the dentary bone, and both the surangular and articular bones participate in the jaw articulation. In the archosaurs the coronoid is confined to the inner surface of the mandible, below the surangular, which forms the upper margin of the mandible behind the dentary bone, and the jaw articulation is formed entirely by the articular bone."
The skulls are another area of strong difference. "In the lepidosaur skull the maxilla is firmly joined with the lachrimal and jugal bones and there is no anteorbital fenestra (opening in the skull in front of the eye). In the archosaurians the maxilla forms the anterior border and the lachrimal and jugal the posterior border of a large anteorbital fenestra. In the archosauria both the quadrate and quadratojugal bones form the jaw articulation, while in the lepidosaurs the quadrate forms the articulation. It is difficult to describe complex vertebrae without pictures. But look at the dorsal vertebrae of lepidosaurs vs archosaurs and you will see they are strikingly different. Compare the single headed ribs of a large monitor lizard (Varanus) with the double-headed ribs of a superficially similar dinosaur, like Thecodontosaurus.
"There are also substantial differences in terms of locomotion/posture. As a result of their skeletons, we believe dinosaurs had a pretty much upright stride, while a lizard’s limbs are sprawled out to the side. There is good evidence for differences in physiology as well. The dinosaurs appear to have a much more "hot blooded" metabolism than lizards. Lizards are unqualified ectotherms (without a way to make their own heat), growing slowly and taking years to reach sexual maturity. They do not deposit fibrolamellar bone, a dense, interwoven tissue indicative of fast growth and high basal metabolism. Lizards also do not form large amounts of Haversian canals (channels running through a bone in which blood vessels and nerves are located); which are another indicator, though not unambiguous, of higher metabolism and growth rates. Dinosaurs display them (especially evident in juvenile dinosaur bones)."
Now do you have some way of telling me how lizards could be little dinosaurs with such major differences in their morphology? I'll probably get that about as soon as I get a testable, falsifiable, predictive theory from you that explains what we observe or I get a factual set of reasons why evolution does not fit this mold or I get some factual reasons that you object to most of science.