The concepts of Genesis were NOT derived from Enuma Elish nor Atra Hasis. THEY were derived from the account of creation already known. They shadows of the truth that have been retold to suit mans ideas.
Narnia is a fictional book created with the intent to tell an untrue and unreal story.
Scripture can in no way, shape, or form be said to be the same thing.
Moses DID know how the world was formed because God told him about it and made sure via His Spirit it was written down exactly as He stated it. Moses was not making it up as He went along, pulling from Pagan views (as you suppose) to come up with 'his' best guess. It is the accurate and true account from God Himself, was not only there at the time but also the very one who did it. Just as God proved Himself to be the Only True and Living God against the Egytian gods by reveal Himself through plagues that attacked their very deity and power, so God did with the Creation event to dispel the myths about how the world was created and what had transpired up till their present time. No, it is no fictional narritive as you suppose but is 100% real and true.
You are grasping (gasping

) air in this argument.