Perhaps you should examine the meaning of "hate".
It is simply a "strong passionate dislike".
The "strong" dislike is revealed by an individuals consistent participation in a conversation.
The "passionate" dislike is revealed by an individuals consistent words describing the WHY.
You have revealed a consistent participation in conversations of your strong dislike (hate) of Trump.
You have revealed a consistent participation in conversations, revealing WHY your "passionate" dislike (hate) Trump. (ie, His hair, size, your accusations of his untruthfulness, your discontent with his business dealings, your discontent with him sitting in the People's Office, etc.)
You remove yourself from a strong, passionate dislike (hate) of Trump; however the record (your postings) reveal a strong and passionate hate of things ABOUT Trump.
You specifically stated that admitting hate, would be exerting negative energy, by you, and you don't choose to participate in such things (but you do).
You attempted to equate yourself, NOT participating in such negative things toward Trump, as to being LIKE Christ.
Here's the thing friend ~
The word "HATE" is simply (particularly in today's society); a term N
NE wants to be "associated" with.
However the TRUTH IS: Scripture itself teaches God HATES several things.
Prov 6
16] These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17] A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18] An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19] A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
The TRUTH IS: we are commanded to LOVE all men, period.
The TRUTH IS: we have NO commandment to LOVE the behavior of all men.
While you specify you do not HATE Trump; the fact is; there is much you HATE about Him.
You accuse Trump of being a LIAR; but where are your facts? Where are Trump's Words and your evidence his spoken word is a lie?