That was a kind answer. Thank you. And I see now that you were expressing the general attitude of the French, and not your own personal feelings.
The part that insulted me was hypocrisy. You may not be able to understand this, but I was born and raised in the southern U.S., but have lived in New England most of my life. But I still have a trace of my southern accent. I have been sterotyped by many in the north of being a bigot simply because I am southern. But the honest truth is, I see far more bigotry in the north than I ever saw in the south. A couple of weeks ago I showed some statistics on hate crimes from the FBI. In North Carolina where I am from with over 8 million people they had 77 hate crimes attributed to race in 2006. On the other hand, Massachusetts, a northern state which has only 6 million people had 167 hate crimes attributed to race in 2006. So who are the greater bigots?
And this is what I was getting at with you. Americans are called bigots by much of the world, they love to point out our race problems. But here in America many various cultures and religions live in relative peace. Many of these countries who insult us have much greater race and religious problems than we do. So, it is the hypocrisy that insults me personally.
That was a kind answer. Thank you. And I see now that you were expressing the general attitude of the French, and not your own personal feelings.
The part that insulted me was hypocrisy. You may not be able to understand this, but I was born and raised in the southern U.S., but have lived in New England most of my life. But I still have a trace of my southern accent. I have been sterotyped by many in the north of being a bigot simply because I am southern. But the honest truth is, I see far more bigotry in the north than I ever saw in the south. A couple of weeks ago I showed some statistics on hate crimes from the FBI. In North Carolina where I am from with over 8 million people they had 77 hate crimes attributed to race in 2006. On the other hand, Massachusetts, a northern state which has only 6 million people had 167 hate crimes attributed to race in 2006. So who are the greater bigots?
And this is what I was getting at with you. Americans are called bigots by much of the world, they love to point out our race problems. But here in America many various cultures and religions live in relative peace. Many of these countries who insult us have much greater race and religious problems than we do. So, it is the hypocrisy that insults me personally.
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