It depends on when you are carrying it and why. If you carry it to church all the time simply because you fear the very remote probability of an intruder, then I would say yes, IMHO, that is both irrational and cowardly. You are in greater danger in a parking lot or a shopping mall than in church. Do you carry a CWW there also ... all the time? With a weapon always present you are in more danger in your own home than in church.
I am having a hard time picking my wording, to try and get you to see what you've done in this thread. Firstly, you've used a strawman in the last paragraph. "...because you fear...". While they are out there for sure, I don't personally know anyone who carries a weapon "out of fear". Out of preparedness, yes. In case something happens, yes. Out of fear? Absolutely not.
Second, you've made a declarative statement, which is completely untrue and isn't backed up by anything. "With a weapon always present you are in more danger in your own home than in church". Without a weapon, this is true. But, even if you had some statistics to back up your statement, it's such a broad brush that it is nonsensical. I've trained (literally) hundreds of people on weapon use. Of those hundreds I've trained, and even more (thousands, literally) that I've been around that have used weapons (kept them with us 100% of the time except while showering while deployed) how many do you think have accidentally shot someone? Zero. Proper training coupled with non-complacency equals perfect safety with a weapon. No accidental shots fired, no accidental deaths, nothing.
Finally, let's look at your first post:
With your wording, you are implying that anyone that carries a weapon is a coward. Pretty strong language. There's no wiggle room. That's what you did. The only other alternative is to say you posted in the wrong forum, or your post was totally and completely unrelated to the OP. So, regardless of what you said in this current paragraph, you called me, and countless others on here, a coward.
Then, there's this, where you did it again.
Because they simply are afraid to live life. They must be fearful else they would not need to pack heat.
And another time:
If I had been so fearful that I felt I needed to carry a weapon
All I can say is that I have been in some very scary places, never carried a firearm and never really needed one.
Well, good for you. I've been in some very scary places, too. And in those situations, if I didn't have my firearm, I probably would have died. If not me then someone else.
So, there you have it. Your posts have basically been meaningless condemnation of others who choose to carry by calling them cowards.
Now, on to my part. Fear has absolutely nothing to do with carrying a weapon. It isn't "cowardly" to be prepared for an increasingly possible eventuality. If you choose not to carry, so be it. I won't condemn you or call you names, even though I think it is more prudent to carry. The very least you could do is show the same respect.
I lock my doors when I leave my house.
I have insurance on my car.
I have smoke detectors in my house.
And I have a weapon in my house / on my person.
All of these things are the same thing, and none of them have anything to do with fear, or "cowardice".