You place a great deal of importance on books. Now, I love books... but there are more than enough opinions out there in a typical Baptist church and out in your local community to keep anyone busy for a lifetime. We do not determine whether theology is true simply from the life of the mind, or from our favorite armchair with a book on our lap, but from living the theology and seeing the truth transform and empower lives.
The height of the Lordship salvation debate occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I read everything I could get my hands on regarding the subject. I agreed most with John MacArthur, but I think he missed it too. The focus was on getting to heaven, which does not seem to be the focus of Jesus or the New Testament writers. They are calling people into the Kingdom of God, which is much greater and broader than heaven, and entails a slightly different, but significant, approach.
I disagree with just about everything I read on the subject, except what is in the Bible. It should be noted that I don't read that much eschatology because I'm not worried about it and it is not a pressing issue for me. When it happens, I will be fine.
I disagree with the focus of most evangelism books (seem like sales presentations and marketing tactics), so I tend not to read them. Also, there is usually an unhealthy emphasis on "making the deal" so you can presumptively claim YOU have won someone to Christ. There are usually many steps along the journey of faith and we need to be sure that we are assisting that process, not short-circuiting it. Be available for God to use you and then be obedient at the right time. Evangelism is a work of the Holy Spirit in which we get to participate. Invest yourself in the lives of others and you will have plenty of opportunities to provide and effective and powerful witness. (And to those who are worried about numbers, I estimate that I have been a participant at the moment when a person has passed from death into life close to 50 times. I am a witness nearly every day when I go to work or do my business in the community.)
As Rolf quite honestly stated, I follow a number of conversations around here until they turn into personality conflicts (the work of the evil one among us), although I usually don't participate.