I Cooked the Steak to Your Liking, and....
Yep. Ain't no need to try to convince me that Scripture says something it does not.
Yes because we know that you are the arbiter and the measurer of how sinful all things are.
Deal with the unfaithfulness inside the church. those outside the church are acting as sinners should and have an excuse. We don't.
Furthermore, if they are married that makes them
adulterers, and if they are simply shacking up, that makes them
Numbers may not lie. But people sure do. Could one of you BIBLICAL scholars please present to us one act of sin that Scripture says is natural?
....you still found it offensive and not like you said you liked it!
I am asking again, why the moderators allow this member to continue to ride the range of this board, while he fails to share anything other than insults, and half truths. Furthermore, he continues to be the biggest TROLL ever allowed to post on this board.
The members continue to object to his methods and his theology, and it seems like this person is in the wrong place. He's a fish out of water. He is unhappy with the majority of us, and apparently we cause him to stumble every time we present our opinions, especially about that....you know, objectionable sin!
So why do the moderators allow this to continue? I'd think that if this board was causing someone, anyone, to be so unhappy and so angry when they read our views, that we'd help him or her by cutting them loose from the board to help be free from us "Good old boy" approach to Scripture; back slapping each other; and purveyors of hate mongering?
Come on mods...he doesn't seem to get it. We are not going to change our views. He isn't going to change his slanted views on our threads and comments, and if the majority of us make him so uncomfortable and unhappy, and he refuses to move on, why not give him the nudge he seems to be desiring, deep within!
Maybe he'd be happier on a same-gender ministry board! One that doesn't call a sin a sin! One that applies Scripture as it is meant to be! One that doesn't mince words, and one that doesn't continuously cause him to get all riled up and ugly inside and out!
Let's give him a fresh start in 2014, and help him be stress free, less angry, less judgmental, and less hostile and insulting! :laugh:
As for me, I am putting this guy on the official ignore list! I am tired of his thumping of the same old drum. He's beaten a dead horse some many times, he's down to bones and dust! Enough is enough! Happy New Year brother...enjoy yourself, but, I will no longer be the one to cause you to stumble!