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God's pre-knowledge of the future determines what He will do. He knows beforehand what we will do (accept or reject His free gift), and that knowledge causes Him to pre-determine who will and will not be saved according to our acceptance or rejection of Him.
Foreknowledge is a natural divine attribute and NOT a determining factor in events. God exists in eternity, not time.
Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.
Maybe it's the other way around. Maybe God's foreknowledge is based on his determinate counsel. God knows what will happen because that's the way he intends it to be.
We have an example of this in Acts 2:23
From the beginning, it was God's plan (and the Son's) that the Son would die for sinners. It was God's plan that wicked hands would kill the Son, yet they are condemned for it.
The determinate counsel existed from eternity, and therefore, so did the foreknowledge. This makes more sense than having exercised determine counsel in reaction to foreknowledge.
Of course, what God determines he has always determined; and what he foreknows, he has always foreknown. Otherwise a new determination or a new foreknowledge would represent a change in God, and undermine his immutability.
So, it's not a question of which came first chronologically--determination or foreknowledge. It's a question of logical order. And, in the final analysis, that's what we're having a discussion about.
I agree with Tom regarding time. I don't believe there is a "fore" and "pre" with an omnitemporal God, meaning much of this language is anthropomorphic in nature.
That's how I understand it. I believe He exists in the past, present and future all at the same time. This puts a crimp on our linear understanding of systematic theology (regeneration pre faith, etc.)Think that CS lewis has one of the better takes on relationship between God and time...
he said God is in "Eternal Now" everything is like present tense to Him, as He is like flying over a parade, and man sees bit and pieces in linear time line, while God sees start to finish as being 'right now" to Him..
In area of Sotierology. we are asking here...
is the BASIS for God foreknowlegde based upon him 'seeeing" that we would accept jesus and thus be saved, or else by him dtermining that those He directly elected would receive Christ and be saved?
I agree, Webdog. Pre, post, fore....it just doesn't apply to a God who is not bound by such.
Some might say you and I would be guilty of deism. However, God is not above time. He transcends time. To wit, you used the word "omnitemporal." Well said.
Webdog and I will now go to a conference room and emerge with a new soteriology to confound both the Cals and the Non-cals. Back in ten minutes![]()
That is assuming our minds do not crack from trying to comprehend the incomprehendable where we will emerge in straight jackets![]()
I beat you fellas to it. I am already in mine. :tongue3:
Quite comfy, too. If you don't mind having to find someone to scratch your nose for you.
My view is that God determines that his elect will be saved.
I know that we're referring to foreknowledge here as foreseeing, but the scripture also uses it in another way. It's not about what God foreknows, but WHOM he foreknows. As in Romans 8:29. In that scripture God foreknows individuals, not just events.
And since God is immutable, those whom he foreknows he has always foreknown. And those whom he foreknows from eternity, he predestinates, calls and justifies in time. Time, that is, that we experience as human beings. God himself, to agree with webdog and TomVols, is omnitemporal.
My view is that election is not based on foreseen faith. That would mean that we elect ourselves, essentially.just wondering...
is the BASIS of our salvation based upon God detrming who is the Elect/saved based upon his decision made, or based upon what He sees in future happening when saved exercise their personal faith?
God's pre-knowledge of the future determines what He will do. He knows beforehand what we will do (accept or reject His free gift), and that knowledge causes Him to pre-determine who will and will not be saved according to our acceptance or rejection of Him.