Ummm...yes, I absolutely know that. A person with asthma goes to the ER with shortness of breath, coughing and has lost the sense of smell. Classic Covid-19 symptoms. The person is tested and found to have Covid-19. The person is hospitalized and subsequently dies. The cause of death is classified as Covid-19. Why would you have a problem with this? you dont. You site one hypothetical and then act as if it is slwsys the case everytime someone dies and has covid. I posted a thread that had the doctor saying that covid 19 should never be listed as a cause of death just as influenza is never listed as a cause of death. Further, not everyone that has covid and dies does do because of covid.
What I have a problem with is faulty models and inflated numbers used to control people. While there are people who die from covid that is not evidence that the numbers are not inflated.