I think this tells the story. Study after study shows HCQ effective over all. A few studies found it not effective (these are trumpeted by the media). Some of these were bogus and had to be retracted. Others were mainly based on late treatment studies.
Early on, it seems HCQ enables zinc to stop the virus in its tracks. The FDA has taking early treatment off the table.
The remedy is simple. Make HCQ available over the counter. Let every day people to use it as a prophylactic or early treatment. It's one one of the safest drugs in existence. Those with TDS can opt out if they wish. Problem solved.
51 Global Studies Find HCQ Effective in Treating COVID-19 — 16 Find HCQ NOT Effective — But 10 of Those Are Late Treatment Studies!
Early on, it seems HCQ enables zinc to stop the virus in its tracks. The FDA has taking early treatment off the table.
The remedy is simple. Make HCQ available over the counter. Let every day people to use it as a prophylactic or early treatment. It's one one of the safest drugs in existence. Those with TDS can opt out if they wish. Problem solved.

51 Global Studies Find HCQ Effective in Treating COVID-19 — 16 Find HCQ NOT Effective — But 10 of Those Are Late Treatment Studies!