First, I will admit that i am not sure just what the wrath of God entails.
And I probably should have put it this way, that the wrath of God needed satisfaction and was so satisfied in the obedient death of the Son of God. In the pouring forth of, the soul of the flesh in the blood, Lev 17:11.
However would that require - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. - being he was sinless?
Humankind have the concept of appeasing a god by bringing some offering. Even the most heathen cultures have some ritual of appeasement offerings that appeal to a god.
But, God is not appeased in such a manner. Hebrews 10:4 clearly states that offerings of even bulls and goats did not truly appease God, but were "shadows", "types" of that which Christ would accomplish.
When considering that all "appeasement" offerings were "types," then each expression of
"wrath" cannot be "for sin" for there is
no appeasement offering "for sin" that was not a type of that which was picturing Christ.
Do not be alarmed, the examination is not that of justice for wrong, but the ability of humans to right a wrong by payment or by service. If one trots off in alarm that this old man is suggesting God is not offended by wrong or does not respond to wrong, then the whole point is missed. It is not that God is benign, but that NOTHING can appease the wrath of God! EVERY OT offering did not appease, it was a picture of what would appease.
For what manner then is this "wrath of God" displayed or if not what was displayed at the crucifixion?
Two answers are offered.
Under PST the typical answer involves God anger over sin needing to be justly paid. Some level of payment demanded satisfaction, some monstrous load of wrath that no human could bear needed carried, some overwhelming surge of anger of injustice done to God had to be faced down...
The problem is that
no matter the payment, even the life of innocent (bulls and goats...) could not work such a miracle as to even partially assuage such. In reality, God cared nothing about the offering in the matter of appeasement, and
focused upon the heart. Those that looked lived. Those that trusted obeyed. Those that believed are redeemed...
The OT blood shed in the sacrifice was NEVER shed in some demonstration of wrath. Unless the priest(s) were unworthy by offering "strange" or by evil intent, there is not a single sign of wrath.
Certainly, if there was a picture of such wrath, the innocent bulls and goats would have been severely treated, tortuously mutilated, inhumanely savaged, just as such a "type" would have most surely needed to portray. But that was never pictured.
The other answer is that the "wrath of God" throughout the Scriptures is instructive.
Such instruction is not foreign thinking but is that typically displayed of any good parent, who uses discipline (sometimes even seemingly harsh discipline) to mold character and show the standard of acceptability. God is constantly needing to demonstrate to the "stiff necked" the standard of Holy, Justice, Love, Compassion,... and other significant attributes of His.
It is such seen at the crucifixion. There was no "wrath of God poured out on the Son," but signs (earthquakes, sun darkened, veil torn,...) shown that were identifiers, indicators, that the typical temple educated Jew could not mistake. Even that Centurion posted before the cross primarily for crowd control remarked validation as "this was truly the Son of God" (Matthews 27, Mark 15, Luke 23). Not a single sign of wrath poured out be God upon the Son was evidenced at the cross.
The failure of ANY theory that embraces some "wrath of God poured out on the Son" thinking is the complete lack of support by Scriptures.
Scriptures show God using wrath as instruction, humankind view it as judgmental, and even push back claiming it unfair.
But, Isaiah states that it "pleased" God, not angered Him, not made Him wrathful, not demanding reparations for offense.
There was rejoicing in heaven not wrath.