Since I have been on this forum (since 2001) there has consistently been the accusation Calvinism denies a universal aspect of the Cross. Specifically this comes up in opposition to the view that the work of the Cross was such that all who believed would be saved. In other words, the opposing position is an argument against what is said through assuming what is not said.
I realize that Calvinism (just like non-Calvinism) comes in many colors. But are there any doctrines of Calvinism that denies a universal aspect of Christ’s work? I ask because it seems that the Canons of Dort affirm that salvation was a sufficient and legitimate offer towards those who won’t believe.
I think you're a little confused. Limited Atonement is more glorifying to God than some sort of general "He died for all", He did not. Look at it the Arminian way, God sends His Son, His Son dies on the cross, open to all, YET IN MANS FREE WILL N

NE COMES! In the Arminian economy that's a reality, it's just luck that some believe, and as stated it's possible that no one will come.
In what I prefer, "Definite Atonement" Christ's work had REAL CONSEQUENCES, it can be no other way, for He "Took our sins in His body", if He died for the entire world, then all of Adolph Hitlers sins would be removed, and since God is just He could not judge them twice, hence no Hell for Hitler. I don't like to get philosophical, just biblical, but this is the result.
Jesus died "For His Sheep", on the night He was betrayed, in His High Priestly prayer He said "I pray NOT FOR THE WORLD, but for THOSE YOU GAVE ME", who are the "Those", they are the one's in John 6, "You are unable to come to me unless the Father draws you", "All that the Father draws will come", "All that come I will in no wise cast out".
I understand how definite atonement may seem to weaken the cross, but on the contrary it strengthens it. Some Calvs get upset when we say "All should come", or "All can come", the fact is ALL ARE COMMANDED TO COME, this is the general call, but this doesn't mean all will come. Someone objects "Why would God call all if they are unable", this is a foolish question, for why does God command us all to follow the ten commandments when none of us can? It's for judgement, "You were called, you didn't come".
Trust me brothers, GET AWAY FROM ARMINIANISM, it's heresy, it's not biblical, if it were true we could never trust the truth of scripture, what if man in his free will got it wrong? We could never know one minute to the next if were saved, but the most important part is the bible teaches particular redemtion, were not the Jews God's bride out of all the countries in the world? Why do you not have a problem with that? Is not "Salvation of the Jews"? No problem? But when God picks people FOR HIS PURPOSE, people like you and me who are only Hell deserving sinners, someone God is unjust? Blasphemy! Are you saying God must pardon all? Must have Grace upon all?
Study your bibles, it's impossible to get through without seeing God's sovereignty throughout.