I think it is fair to say that a large group of very patriotic folks spent more time than should have been expected, in a long drawn-out war. I salute those who sacrificed years of deployment, and feel for what must be disappointing to watch as ISIS runs wild over the cities they gave 100% for.
Unfortunately, there is a larger portion of Americans who care, but only for a period of time, then they get restless and move on to wanting peace. There is also a large portion of the people in this country, that could not care less, so long as it doesn't affect them! They are the NIMBY folks!
If ISIS came to this country and started lobbing rockets into cities and towns, there may be a lot more folks willing to do more than complain and be bored with war. Nevertheless, truthfully, UOT, Americans have really never seen a war close up and personal, so their experience with a war is a movie, video game, or what they read in the press. And movies get the war over within 120 minutes. Video games can be turned off, and the dead people in the game can come back to fight another day! As for the media, people are swayed by what they read in print or see on television, and the problem is, media outlets are not for a war unless it means ratings! Once those ratings fade, so does their coverage, and soon the war is shelved for the latest child molester, killing of a thug by a cop, or the problems in DC.
I was spat on in the airport during the Viet Nam conflict, and that attitude has permeated the society in more ways than most realize War is not glamorous; it has a dark, stark reality when GIs start coming back in flag-draped coffins, and people lose interest quickly. In fact, most Americans don't have an appetite for war. Like I said, if it's far away, is easier to applaud in the beginning and boo as it grows old and costs build up and peace-nicks.
I think if the people were thrown into a war for their own way of life and wellbeing, they may look at war differently! Right now, we are fed up with war. And any outrage over the beheadings will last as long as the outrage over the twin towers on 9/11.
There is a lot of thought out response coming in on this, let's keep it going.