I have never understood why so many people think Ronald Reagan was a good President.
Probably because of your age.
Ronald Reagan was a man that lived through the Great Depression; World War II, the resulting Economic Boom during the 1950's that made this country the World Leader of all things good.
America was a proud nation. "One Nation, Under God..." This worked well. Reagan was part of that generation.
Reagan was old enough to see this nation pull itself out of a terrible decade of which, had it not happened the young men of the 1930's would not have had the resolve to muster the strength gleaned from "hard times" to stop the effort of world domination at the hand of a few nitwits. God gave us the victory in World War II. God ushered us into a time of prosperity. As this nation began to turn from God in the 1960's it's been all down hill ever since.
"Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure. ... “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone ..."
No, it wasn't Ronald Reagan. God has given this nation what it wants. This nation has turned from it's first love and strayed.