DHK said:
-First, it is applicable to believers only and has no application to infants.
No, he is speaking to Jews, not fellow Christians;
Rom 7:1 Know ye not,
brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth?
He is speaking to Jews who know the law. Gentiles did not know the law. But you are correct, it is not speaking of babies and little children who do not yet know the law, a very important point.
DHK said:
The law is not sin. We know, as believers, what sin is by the law. It shows us our sinfulness. Remember he is talking to believers.
No, he is speaking to fellow Jews who know the law. But you are correct, Paul is saying he did not know what sin was until the law informed him. He had not known lust, except the law had said "Thou shalt not covet". He learned this law as a young man as all Jews do.
DHK said:
Without the law sin was dead. Why? Because he was dead.
Baloney, it has nothing to do with Paul being dead. Sin is dead without the law because it has no power, it has no authority behind it.
It is like LSD in the early 60's. Kids were taking this drug and it was doing tremendous harm, some kids were having serious mental problems, a few committed suicide while using this drug. But there was no law against it and the authorities could do nothing to prevent it's use, it was perfectly legal. So laws had to quickly be passed to make it illegal so the authorities could arrest those who were making and using this harmful drug.
It is the same for sin, it cannot have dominion over you without a law. It has no power or authority to kill.
It is not saying Paul was spiritually dead whatsoever, in fact, in the very next verse he tells us he was spiritually alive until the commandment came.
Rom 7:9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life,
I found to be unto death.
11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me,
and by it slew me.
The law is ordained unto life, if you keep the law you will live. Paul thought he could keep the law and live, but sin, taking opportunity by the law convicted him of sin and spiritually slew him. This is when he spiritually died.
But until he knew the law he was spiritually alive, because sin is not imputed when there is no law.
If Original Sin was true (it isn't) then Paul could
never say he was alive. If Original Sin is true, it is not necessary to know the law, you are conceived dead in sin before you are ever able to learn the law. If Original Sin is true, then all children who die before or soon after birth would all be condemned to hell.
Original Sin is horrible and utterly false doctrine.