Alan Gross
Well-Known Member
This is a sub-OP from another thread - as the discussion was getting off OP.
This was my question (post # 20) from this thread
1) What is the scriptural reference that God was against incest from the very beginning ?
2) Were Abram and Sara guilty of incest since they were half-siblings
a. If Cains wife was not his sister - then how did she appear - -
b. If she had been created separately - then would she also have been tempered by the
the devil -to loose her sinless condition?
c. and since Eve was created from Adams Rib- was she not then part of Adams DNA - and
thus did they commit incest?
and robycop3 answered
A quick look - shows that most - if not all States/commonwealths find that incest with a half-sibling is illegal.
RC states in post 21 that " God doesn't change"
does he????
In the OT - God commanded the Children of Israel to be circumcised (wait- that was a change - as Adam and the next dozen or generations were not commanded to be circumcised. And in the NT - there is not requirement to be circumcisee- so - God changed twice.
In the OT - someone who committed adultery was to be stoned.
In the NT - Jesus said to go and sin no more.
So Does God change?
Also I am still waiting on RC to answer questions 1 & 3
God Says in Hebrews chapter 1 that Cain got his wife out of a tree.....
Ah, well that is the Adam Schiff version, anyway.
Here is God Speaking regarding His Instrumentality of Administering The One Eternal Covenant of Grace, in different 'economies' :
Hebrews 1:1 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
2 "Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son,"