When God created Adam, it is recorded that He said, "Let us make man in our image."
There are those of the BB who proclaimed and attempted to show (in recent threads) that humankind deoes have freedom of will - choice.
But the question of this thread is:
To support that view the following is offered:
The Scriptures state: "God is Love" (1 john 4:8)
Therefore, if God does not have "freedom of choice-will," then it follows that humankind who are "made in the image of God" also do not have that same ability - contrary to the desire expressed by some on the BB who have attempted to state such freedom is found in common humankind,
Lets restate the thinking of the OP in this manner to further clarify the OP possition:
When speaking of faithfulness, in the second letter to Tim, Paul states:
How does this apply to the nature of humankind?
Can a person deny the fallen nature?
Don't get carried away with whether or not a person is "born in sin," because "ALL have sinned." Such an argument has no place in this thread. "All have sinned," and therefore, all have the nature of the fallen - sin filled.
Can that NATURE of the fallen - sin filled be free to choose and express will that is not conformed and conforming to that fallen nature?
The answer is - according to this OP's statements - no. There is no true freedom of choice-will - the human nature does not allow such to exist just as the divine nature does not allow such to exist.
This OP desires that folks will bring Scriptures into every post - either to prove God can express some "freedom of will - choice" contrary to His nature - character, or show how God cannot.
The answer will determine if humankind has such ability.
For the Scriptures state, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." But the creation became sin filled "...through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned..."
There are those of the BB who proclaimed and attempted to show (in recent threads) that humankind deoes have freedom of will - choice.
But the question of this thread is:
"Does God have complete unfettered freedom of will - choice?"
There are two "rules" that the OP suggests concerning God:
1) God cannot separate from Himself His character and attributes - His nature.
2) God cannot perform or choose what is not conformed to his character and attributes - His nature.
For the purpose of starting the discussion, the OP takes the view that the answer is: No, God does not have freedom of will-choice.2) God cannot perform or choose what is not conformed to his character and attributes - His nature.
To support that view the following is offered:
The Scriptures state: "God is Love" (1 john 4:8)
Love automatically places constraints and values upon the one who loves. All expressions would be conformed by the hierarchy of constraints and values. "God is love" then it follows that the nature of God obliges expressions consistent with what is God.
The Scriptures state: "God is good and upright (just)" (psalm 25:8, 2 Thess. 1:6, Romans 3:26)
God being just and the "justifier" is also integral to His nature. God can make no choice that would be unjust for that would violate His nature. There is not even a "shadow of turning" with God. God cannot perform or conform outside of His nature.
The list could go on, but these two alone are sufficient to begin the discussion.The Scriptures state: "God is good and upright (just)" (psalm 25:8, 2 Thess. 1:6, Romans 3:26)
God being just and the "justifier" is also integral to His nature. God can make no choice that would be unjust for that would violate His nature. There is not even a "shadow of turning" with God. God cannot perform or conform outside of His nature.
Therefore, if God does not have "freedom of choice-will," then it follows that humankind who are "made in the image of God" also do not have that same ability - contrary to the desire expressed by some on the BB who have attempted to state such freedom is found in common humankind,
Lets restate the thinking of the OP in this manner to further clarify the OP possition:
When speaking of faithfulness, in the second letter to Tim, Paul states:
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself."
Here then is a truth, as presented in faithfulness, but can be extended to every attribute and character (referred to as the nature) of God. He cannot deny Himself. His NATURE demands consistency and compliance in every aspect.
How does this apply to the nature of humankind?
Can a person deny the fallen nature?
Don't get carried away with whether or not a person is "born in sin," because "ALL have sinned." Such an argument has no place in this thread. "All have sinned," and therefore, all have the nature of the fallen - sin filled.
Can that NATURE of the fallen - sin filled be free to choose and express will that is not conformed and conforming to that fallen nature?
The answer is - according to this OP's statements - no. There is no true freedom of choice-will - the human nature does not allow such to exist just as the divine nature does not allow such to exist.
This OP desires that folks will bring Scriptures into every post - either to prove God can express some "freedom of will - choice" contrary to His nature - character, or show how God cannot.
The answer will determine if humankind has such ability.
For the Scriptures state, "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." But the creation became sin filled "...through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned..."