Perhaps ‘the whole point of being Baptist’ is wrong then? Yes, it most certainly is, and the statement given is mere gloating. ...
This entire thing was not heard of nor encouraged in the church, this boasting, schism concerning ones religious pedigree and heritage under the name and guise of a ‘biblical’ denomination I follow the ______ church, and it is seen in Scripture that this behavior is considered self-righteous, prideful and is rightly condemned. It is behaving in a human way as 1 Cor. 3:1-9 attests.
Wow. I have no idea why you think I gloat or glory in being a Baptist. Believe me, I am more often ashamed of Baptists, sometime for their theology, but much more often for their practice.
I was simply saying that if I believed Baptists to be doctrinally unsound I have plenty of choices -- dozens and dozens in my own town. And I have often considered those choices.
Pedigrees are for the American Kennel Association; they mean nothing to churches; the only pedigree that matters is that we are brothers of Christ by adoption and children of the Father.
There are parts of our heritage, however, that I believe are worth preserving (such as the historic Baptist belief in separation of church and state.) And where heritage is tarnished (such as in the widespread justification of slavery and Jim Crow) is should be acknowledged to prevent us making such mistakes again.