To give you a view that I was taught at home and in church(Presbyterian) which was Calvinistic. My father came back from WWII with a total diastase for our government.
At home and in church we were taught that all men should serve in the service, and I mean all. We were taught to stay out of the voting box as a lot were taught back then, because there isn't any answers in politics, only from God. Also don't work for the government.
Spurgeon was open against us getting into politics from the Baptist side of a few years ago and MacArthur is not real big on it today, if I recall correctly.
So service and voting does not always go hand in hand. I upset my father in many ways and voting was one of them, I did vote and still do but most of the time for president it is a third party man.
Brother Bob, thank you for your reply.
First, I agree 100% there aren't any answers in politics, only God. I don't look to the assembly of persons that we call government for answers. The answers that matter most lie within the scriptures and the council of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
My guandry is that We, the People, choose the members of that assembly of persons. We aren't a nation ruled by kings who assume power through their lineage. Nor, are we a nation ruled by dictators who assume positions of power through force. Nor, are we a nation in chaos because there is no effective governing earthly power at the helm.
Our government is of the people, by the people, for the people. In the course of history, IMO, we are unique, as few have been given the opportunity to individually chose the nature of Caesar to whom we are to render (obey with one qualification). Our individual choices and/or failure to choose put our version of Caesar (assembly of persons) into power.
Barring God's direct intervention for His purposes, doesn't the Christian majority (if it truly exists as a majority) have the accountabiity/responsibility to maintain a government which will honor God instead of rejecting Him? There's a vast difference between the government establishing a state religion and RETAINING the freedom to worship our Creator. As others have their freedom follow their faiths or lack thereof.
If I understand the scriptures correctly, individual Hebrews did not have the opportunity to reject the leadership of corrupt rulers. The more corrupt their rulers became, the more corrupt the nation became, until God intervened. When this Republic was founded, we as individuals, in the body of Christ were given that opportunity = responsbility to reject the ungodly to have power over us.
As I've been writing this, I've been reminded of an old hymn.
Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
Stand in His strength alone;
The arm of flesh will fail you;
Ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the Gospel armor,
And, watching unto prayer,
Where duty calls, or danger,
Be never wanting there.
Isn't it our duty, to use whatever means provided for us, regardless of how insignificant it may be in the big picture, to all the extent possible, reject the ungodly to have power over us?
Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
Ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high His royal banner,
It must not suffer loss:
How much loss has His royal banner already suffered because professing Christians did not go to the polls and vote their convictions over the the last century, in particular? How much more loss will be suffered each time the "greater" of two evils is chosen "by the people"? All the people or just a minority who do not share the convictions of the majority?
In closing, yes we are to pray. As, members of the body of Christ, aren't we expected to do more? If we don't take every opportunity to reject evil, regardless of how little that may be, aren't we in effect supporting it, instead?