Michael Wrenn
New Member
No contrary! It is a Testament from the very disciples Jesus walked and talked with and gave His Holy Spirit to to remind them of all things which He had said. That same Holy Spirit testifies to His Christian children that all of these words handed down are unadulterated and infallible.
I know for a fact because I know Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ can prove to you that the bible is infallible. To reject the bible as infallible is to reject the Gospel and Jesus Christ for if God cannot preserve His Word throughout the ages, copy after copy, then He is not God! You are declaring that man can destroy God's delivered Word, this makes man superior to God! And more powerful than God!
You do realize you're trying to have a rational discussion with someone who says Jesus came down in 2001 and gave a special revelation to him, namely:
1. When a person dies, his soul or spirit will still be here in the world for 40
days under the careful watch of his guardian angels.
2. All the heavenly bodies (sun, moon, stars, moons, planets, etc.) will explode during the end of the ages, the last to explode is our planet.
3. All the exploded things/bodies will merge afterwards into a big ball or planet of fire and that will be the planet of Hell soon.
Yeah, Jesus must have come down on that spaceship that destroyed the twin towers.