I agree there were plenty of facts about God that He (God) revealed then to His prophets, disciples, apostles, followers, and were written down in scriptures/bible to serve as testimonies to Him (God). But this does not mean that we today will have to be confined in the limits and bounds of the bible in knowing God and the way to our salvation and eternal life. Why?
First, the Almighty Lord God is the forever Living Supreme God who is accessble to all in all ages at any time. He (God) is unseen at the moment but anyone can talk to Him (God), and in turn, He (God) can talk to him/her who seek Him (God) truly. We can physically feel God through His own ways and most importantly, we can truly know God by and through Himself in the realm of His existence.
Before Jesus Christ, God existed in spirit form only. Except for the rare occasion when he appeared in a theophany it is well known that "if any one would see God he would die." God is spirit. No man can see God. No man can see God and live. Any claim now to see God would be delusional, and the one that you can actually see is not God but a demonic representation of God. For God is in heaven, not on earth.
You cannot "physically feel God through his own ways ...and through Himself in the realm of His existence." You are playing around with the occult. Experience does not trump the Word of God.
Second, nowhere in the bible did God and Jesus teach that we have to use the scriptures or the bible to study and learn who, what, and how is God
We will stop right here. Yes there are plenty of Scriptures. I already gave you some. Why did you ignore them?
Search the Scriptures for they testify of me. Jesus said that.
To the Pharisees he said, "You do err not knowing
the Scriptures neither the power of God."
--These two verses are sufficient enough. Jesus commanded us to search the Scriptures. Why isn't that enough? You say that "nowhere did God and Jesus teach that we have to use the Scriptures or the Bible to study and learn who, what and..."
--You are wrong. The Scripture is sufficient. Jesus said so; the Bible elsewhere says so. Check 2Tim.3:16
in the realm of His existence, how to get saved, and how to follow and obey His commandments to each and every one of us today, even yesterday and that of the times to come. Instead, the bible is clear cut in telling us to come to Jesus and learn from Him and for us to have life (eternal life).
"The realm of his existence" Where do you get this metaphysical phrase from. It is just a religious phrase not in the Bible, but of your own making. The realm of God's existence is everywhere. He is omnipresent. You can find him anywhere. But we learn about him specifically in his word--the Bible.
I do not have any claim of that sort since I totally submit myself to the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatever the Lord Jesus will tell me to obey and not to obey in the bible, those or that will I obey and follow with all my heart and with all my soul. My knowledge is totally dependent on the knowledge imparted to me by the Lord and I will try not to overtake the Lord Jesus Christ in all aspects.
You are not submitted to Christ if you are not submitted to his word.
You are not submitted to Christ if you make claims that are outside of his word.
You are not submitted to Christ if you claim that Christ tells you to do things outside of the confines of the Bible.
If Christ is speaking to you outside of the Bible, it is not Christ but demons.
You can't follow Christ if you don't follow his Word and the commands that Christ has given in his Word. The commands of Christ are in his word, not outside of his word. Take heed to the command:
Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word,
it is because
there is no light in them.
I am just a plain follower of Jesus Christ, not an Agnostic nor a cult member.
If you were an actual follower of Christ you would accept His Word as true by faith, and follow Christ according to His word.
In what way do you call me skeptics?
Most of your posts are skeptical of the Bible. That makes you a skeptic.
I am sure, without any iota of doubt, of what I am talking about Jesus that He is the Lord God, and like John, I can also say "Him that we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, whom we have sup and lived with, etc.," and we are living witnesses to the Lord today that He is real and alive and that He still speaks and reveals Himself to those who come to Him truly and in accordance with His will. He gave us testimonies to share to all, an excerpt like this;
You are delusional. You have not seen Christ, heard Christ, handled him, etc. You did not see Christ who is seated at the right hand of the throne of glory. If you saw anyone it was a demonic caricature of something that you think looked liked Jesus.
First, you don't know what Jesus looked like.
You have never seen him, and the only pictures we have are from the vain imaginations of people who have never seen him. So you have no idea what Christ looks like. How would you recognize him?
I Am the Pastor. I Am the Good Pastor. Keep in your mind that there are no others who will teach you except Me. If ever that you will be explaining with each other, same will only be in accordance with your will, same will be in accordance with your own thinking. ...follow Me.
What evidence can you give me that this is not from a demon who is deceiving you?
Did John tell us to put our trust on the record or to know the truth from the record? The actual essence of what John wrote is eternal life and he wanted us to know that this life is in Jesus, why do you have to focus on the written record as the main idea that John was driving on to the mind of the readers? And in John 5:40, Jesus said there that we can have this life if we go to him and in Matthew 11 Jesus said similar thing as in John 5. Do you not agree with what Jesus said in those two books of the gospel?
Again, what was the entire purpose of the gospel of John. Listen to it:
John 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
--The entire book is written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life through his name. This is the theme verse of the Gospel of John, why it is written.
How do you know we have no other reliable source, how about the Lord God Jesus Christ himself who is alive forever, how do you look at Him today?
Christ is not visible to us today. He gave us His Word. That is His revelation to us today. He lived, died, was buried, rose again, was seen of over 500 for a period of 40 days, ascended back into heaven, and will remain there until he comes again a second time for those that believe on him. He has given us this record and his plan for the ages in His Word, the Bible. He does not make himself visible in this day and age. If you claim to see him, you are not seeing him, you are seeing demonic apparitions.
It is very easy to know if it is from the devil or not, the devil will pull us away from God while the one from God will point us only to One – to the Lord God the Almighty, The Lord God of all and His name is Jesus. The Lord further said to us;
Paul said that Satan himself appears as an angel of light. He is very deceptive.
Keep in your mind that I Am the keeper of your life and your life is dependent on Me. Keep in your mind that if at first you are not with Me, there is a demon hovering around you to tempt you, this will be doubled if you place yourself in Me. If there were three demons with you at first, these will become more than ten once you place yourself in Me because they will pull you away for you to be led astray of the way. Keep in your mind that I Am always with you, in the same way that all of you are with Me and all of you who will call on to Me in the right way I do hereby choose you from this world. I do hereby choose you to spread my Holy Word. Go ye and make all nations My followers and disciples and I Am baptizing you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Wherever you got this it is not all the word of God. It is truth mixed with error. Do you know what rat poison is? A handful of grain with less than a spoonful of Arsenic or poison. But the entire amount of grain is poisoned by that small amount of arsenic. Beware of what you are reading and doing.