Dwayne McDowell
The reason this cannot be true—even though it is—is because there is no possibility of miracle, because that would violate the immutable laws of natural science. That is what the philosopher David Hume argued, convincingly to many who want it to be true. The mantle of championing Hume's error has been passed down over the years. Richard Dawkins carries it now; before him, Anthony Flew.
Inconveniently for atheists, their former champion Flew abandoned the idea late in life, precisely because of the discovery of what DNA is and does. He decided God really must exist. Dawkins disparagingly attributed his change to senility. Flew suggested Dawkins had become a religious bigot. "[A]t the length the truth will out."
Dwayne: I learned everything I needed to know about Dawkins when he said "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet someone who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that)".