Christos doulos
New Member
Does our life as a Christian, at all and in any way, affect our eternal life in heaven? If it doesn't, how do we explain all those passages that seem to exhort Christians to obtain a better prize and a better inheritance? If it does, how do we explain the fact that our being in heaven is solely based on Christ's righteousness and not our own?
Excellent question!
It's another paradox in scripture, but I believe some things we can explain. I believe there will be believers who will enjoy heaven more than others. Just as in hell people will be tormented worse than others.
I believe that believers who lived lives of persecution in the name of Christ will enjoy heaven much more than the average Christian westerner who preoccupied too much of their time with the latest 4G technology.
I believe the Christians who are focused on truly seeking to be conformed to the image of Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit will enable God to use them and do amazing work in he or she so that they can bear MORE fruit.
I heard a pastor say, sometimes we are so focused on activity rather than being. If God called you to be a janitor at a local high school but instead you went to africa and opened up four churches. Do you think you were obedient? and how will God bear fruit in you when you don't even allow Him to prune you?
I think the answer is being conformed to the image of Christ here on earth.