I call myself a recovering fundamentalist. I was once as blind as they; until I chose to quit disregarding the Word in lieu of fundamentalist doctrine. These are facts that I have witnessed in several churches over thirty years. I have attended a Southern Baptist church for about ten years now, and I continue to meet people who have come out of that spiritually destructive CULTure with the same "viewpoint" as mine. My "viewpoint" was from within the beast; therefore, my "opinion" is based upon observed facts & experience.
Speaking for myself only....Id say throw out all the bad connotations of what the title "Fundamentalist" has come to mean. OR is not identifying a stiff necked arrogant Religious "Better than Thou" fellow....rather a person who has devoted allot of his spiritual life to trying to understand Gods plan for humanity. Thus he is a radical......his word was "Militant" .... A militant fundamentalist. Kinda different from what you are used to I'm thinking. I again prefer radical because it moves far beyond liberal & conservative branches of faith & digs in deep. The on-line definition of radical 'Relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.'
If I bottom line this, I think OR is indicating that in the study of God & faith, our brother undercuts all self interest, ideology & institution in favor of Christ's truth. Least, that is how I see it (my viewpoint). :thumbs: