One of the things that saddens me greatly is when one group takes a perfectly good word and perverts it, then others embrace the perverted meaning and reads it into those who are using the term correctly - that is prejudice and/ or ignorence talking. The reality is that a sacrement is nothing more then an act of allegience, no matter what Rome says, to call baptism or the Lord's table a sacrement in reformed terms is to say it is a public declaration of our allegence to Christ Jesus.
Why adopt a Roman term that has a history of conveying literal grace! It would seem the "Reformed" definition is the guilty party! It is never used in scripture for baptism or the Supper! Yet, Reformed Baptists adopt this Romanized term and try to reinvent it!
Wow, well where do your "baptist" toots lie if not in the protestant reformation?
First, our "toots" lie in the Scriptures and specifically those scriptures which provide a predictive forecast on the characteristics of Post-Apostolic development and doctrines of Apostate Christianity and the development and treatment of New Testament Christianity. This inspired guide provides the proper format to INTERPRET so-called "church history."
Second, our "toots" lie in interpreting so-called "church history" through the lenses of this Bibical predictive format.
How is the reformed baptist church government alien to the scriptures? How is our practise of baptism alien to the scriptures, and our adminsitration of the Lord's supper? These are serious charges that shouldn't just eb thrown about unless one can actually back them up with facts!
Most "Reformed" Baptist churches are "elder rule" rather than congregational rule under elder leadership.
The leading Reformed Baptist Churches (MacArthur, Piper, etc.) receive sprinkled, poured or immersed believers into their membership regardless who administered it as long as it was performed after a profession of faith. This is admitted by Dr. John MacArther in his debate with R.C. Sproul in the question and answer part of his debate. This is admitted by Piper's church in their church documents. This is admitted by the pastoral staff of Alister Beggs congregation, etc.
Their observation of the Lord's Supper is open when the scriptures teach it is to be closed to the metaphorical body partaking it. I realize that I need to demonstrate this point but I believe I can to any fair objective Bible Student.