Originally posted by Daniel David:
No where is it even indicated or hinted at that Abraham was supposed to "tithe" off of this. He did it on his own. Same [with Jacob].
That is my point exactly. They both knew they were supposed to tithe. The law or principle was wriiten on their hearts.
I don't think God looked down and saw Abraham and Jacob tithing and said, "You know what? That is a great idea! I'll make that a law." No, He wrote that law on our hearts so that we would have a way to demonstrate our love and obedience to Him.
Mat 6:21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
You would do well to not teach contrary to Scripture.
I can show you tithing in the Scriptures. Can you show me where Jesus ever eradicated the practice? Your argument is from silence. Not once did Jesus condemn tithing or even hint that the practice should cease. That inward commandment of God that
relates to the condition of the heart has never been abolished.
Bob, you are aware that even under the Law, three different "tithes" were required. So, do you preach that all three are still required today? If not, you are picking and choosing which parts of Scripture you want to preach from.
No, I agree that the OT ceremonial law has been done away with, but tithing, practiced before the law, has not. I preach that we are to give God the first fruits of everything. Our day, our week, our lives, our money, our time, our talents, our children, etc...
In my experience, people who preach tithing do so because they don't think people give enough to help them build their ministries.
These are the preachers who mistakenly believe that tithing is all about money. I covered that in my first post.
I believe that tithing, the whole scope of tithing, is God's way to use God's people, to accomplish God's work.