Absolutely, and not only the ones that we can see. Psalm 19 again. As we look into the night sky, we should be awe-struck at the glory of the Universe. And as we learn more about the billions of stars and planets, we should be even more amazed at the power and majesty of God, and at the fact that He has love and concern for the tiny speck of matter that is earth. 'When I consider our heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that have ordained; what is man that visit him, the son of man that You are mindful of him?' (Psalm 8:3-4).And what of Gen 1:16-17?
. . . he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth.Is that saying the earth is central to the purpose of the stars? At least the ones we can see?
It is my belief that one of the causes of lack of belief in God is light pollution. In many towns and cities you are blessed if you can see half a dozen stars. Not much to get awe-struck about.