I don't think you realize what you are saying. If you must persevere, you believe the exact same thing as Arminians. You cannot possibly know if you are saved until the day you die, because you cannot know if you will persevere.
In John 6:37 Jesus said, "and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out."
He didn't say you have to keep coming over and over and if you fail one day he will reject you. No, if you sincerely come to Jesus he saves you right then and there. He gives you everlasting life and you will never perish. You have passed from death to life, you are born again. You can't become unborn.
To believe simply means to rest on this promise. You come to Jesus and leave your soul in his hands. Believeing is not hanging on, it is letting go.
I have often compared it to being in a fire in a tall building with firemen below calling for you to jump, promising to catch you in their net. Well, that's what believeing means, it means to let go and jump, trusting your life into their hands.
All we have to do is jump, and leave the rest to Jesus.
I don't want to be in fight mode, so sure it is possible that I am wrong

. I didn't mean my initial comment to be an insult, so if you were offended, don't take it personally. Just try to think what Im saying through and I will do the same to your posts. I know the impossibility of my request from both sides BTW.
I don't believe in works salvation or that part of our earning salvation is by our perseverance. What I believe is that all the saints persevere and do not stop repenting and believing. In John's Gospel His usage for "believe" in the Greek is actual describing a continuation of belief, yet we are justified when we have saving faith. We begin believing, are saved, and then continue believing as all saints do. We all persevere to the end as God continues to bring us back to Himself by His actions.
Yes, we can know if we are saved. We know we will persevere because we trust in Christ and He will not let us go. Our confidence is not in our persevering efforts but in the sovereign God who saves us and promised to keep us. Trusting in the Lord has nothing to do with our actions or an event in our lives, it is what it means- a trust and reliance fully upon Him for everything.
As for the John 6:35-65 passage. I would love to attempt to work through that exegetically if you'd like to. If you do you will find that God chooses, we fully and willingly believe, and will be kept by God until we are raised to Him at the end. 99% of the people who were there when Jesus said those things left but the 11 who He chose. Very good passage.
You simply misunderstood my points, majorly. I never said Christ would reject us if we didn't persevere. I said we persevere because of God's power working within us. You are speaking of the heart of Christ who doesn't reject those who come to Him, and your right that He doesn't. Christ definitely offers forgiveness to all who come to Him. He doesn't give someone salvation and then take it away when they fail or we all would go to hell for certain. The assurance is that God draws us to Himself by working in our hearts, saves us in a very relational and impactive way, and always keeps us. The very nature of salvation is grounded in the work of God's saving grace. We can declare we are saved and know God confidently by this saving grace that He has bestowed on us.
In my mind if you hold in any kind of free will in salvation
outside of God's sovereignty then your assurance would no longer rest on what God is going to do in keeping you but in your own works to keep yourself. We are responsible for believing God, but we rest in Him for keeping us in that heart of believing at the very same time.
Again, I am not arguing the instantaneous aspect of justification by faith. I am just showing how before and after that point God works effectually in our lives to His purposes and pleasure. Fortunately for those who are saved, His pleasure is for us to take pleasure in Him and love Him for who He is. As a result of that heart He creates within us, we persevere. Be careful in how you judge the way God works effectually because He works is very beautiful ways (use your imagination on how He might possible do this). It isn't as though He presses a button or does some sort of non personal work, He is very intimate and bends our hearts through the work of the Spirit many if not all the time.