CARM's wrong, and I've seen that "definition" before. "Legalism" is excessive adherence to any law or formula, and the "legalism" dress codes in the church adhere to are the pious attitudes of those who think they have a right to dictate to others about how they worship the Lord God Almighty. News for those of you that describes: He don't care!!!
Proverbs 51, NASB
14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, the God of my salvation;
Then my tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
15 O Lord, open my lips,
That my mouth may declare Your praise.
16 For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it;
You are not pleased with burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.
... no matter how it dresses. If a man or woman comes into a church seeking Him in rags, pleading for forgiveness, understanding, and salvation -- crying, "Be merciful to me, O God, a sinner!" -- He isn't going to say to him/her, "Nope, gotta go home and change into something presentable before I'll hear you." However, it appears there are some churches represented on this forum that just might.
I have always enjoyed your posts and believed they were well thought out. However you are reading something into this discussion that is not there, at least from my viewpoint. I am talking about permissible or proper dress in a worship service and have given Scripture to support my position. I have also noted that much of the dress of those in a worship service is immodest if not downright provocative. That cannot be denied.
I have said nothing in any way regarding how God looked on person seeking Salvation.
You say:
"Legalism" is excessive adherence to any law or formula, and the "legalism" dress codes in the church adhere to are the pious attitudes of those who think they have a right to dictate to others about how they worship the Lord God Almighty.
And of course you are entitled to your opinion on legalism, correct or not! I have a few questions related to dictating worship forms.
Does the Church you attend insist on certain core Baptist beliefs for membership?
Does the Church you attend allow snake handling?
Does the Church you attend allow speaking in tongues if an interpreter is present?
Does the Church you attend allow speaking in tongues at all?
Does the Church you attend welcome those who believe in the Doctrines of Election and Sovereign Grace?
Does the Church you attend welcome those who reject the dispensational theology?
Does the Church you attend insist on a Seminary educated preacher?
Does the Church you attend allow women to preach?
Does the Church you attend allow women to serve as deacons or Elders?
Does the Church you attend place restrictions on those who serve as deacons or Elders?
Does the Church you attend endorse/perform/bless homosexual unions/marriages?
Does the Church you attend insist on immersion as the proper mode of Baptism?
Does the Church you attend allow those who desire to sing in the choir, or is that restricted to those who sing well?
Does the Church you attend serve communion to unbelievers or the unbaptized?
i am sure that I can fine other questions for you. However, I pose none of these to start a separate discussion simply to indicate that those who constitute the local Church do indeed place restrictions on the conduct of the worship services. This is as it should be since the Apostle Paul in discussing the worship service said:
1 Corinthians 14:40. Let all things be done decently and in order.
If you can find any post where I have commented on dress as it relates to individual worship I would appreciate it other than I have noted the provocative dress of some young women might affect the worship of the pastor or men with roving eyes. I have used the term "worship service" on occasion rather than a "meeting of the Church", but that was not in reference to individuals worship.