No problem brother.... I understood both the larger issue being addressed, as well as your concerns with my comments/presuppositions.I may have misunderstood the article...I apologize for my rash comments.
Here was another article...
"Pastor J.D., Are You a Calvinist?" – Summit Life with J.D. Greear
I do not shrink back and like to think at the same time I am open to biblical correction.
As a member of several Calvinistic churches, and in others who do not hold the doctrine fully I have heard a wide range of concerns.
Errors can happen in either direction and in fact do.
Some who would like to think of themselves as somewhat Calvinistic...reserve the right to not fully hold to certain aspects of the teaching.
In trying so hard to be extra loving and concerned they go into compromise.
The non calls have emotional roadblocks that prevent them from being rational at they become conflicted and go into attack mode 24/7.