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Don Jasmin


<img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>
Maranatha is a wonderful place, and I count myself privileged to have gone there and graduated from there.

My statement was simply an acknowledgement of Maranatha's anti-KJVO stance. Since attending there, I can often tell who went there by the certain positions they hold, the position on the King James Version being one of them.

I went there from 82-83. I loved the college then, and love it now. They're still standing for the truth of God's Word,, and they will continue to do so as far as I can tell. I'll defend MBU/MBBC as long as they continue to stand for the truth of the Bible.


New Member
Oh, my. If you made comments like that around my old pastor, his head would explode. "Brother, there is NOTHING but KJVOnly if you truly believe in the purity of God's Word. All other translations are PERversions!!!"

Judging by your comment, though, you must have been educated (if you were educated in IFB circles) at Maranatha, Pillsbury, or Faith. My guess is one of the first two.
Judging by your comment, though, you must have been educated (if you were educated in IFB circles) at Maranatha, Pillsbury, or Faith. My guess is one of the first two

Ha,ha! You are spot on, not that there is anything wrong with these schools, just a little bit different strips.