I do? I think I only mentioned it in this thread once.
You're talking about wiring money. No one can wire money without the service of a financial institution, and financial institutions are regulated all the time and have to report all kinds of transactions, and they charge big bucks for international transfers (and there's always a record). Congress makes a law, and then the financial institutions design systems to comply.
If you need an example a cursory Google search yielded the Financial Recordkeeping and Reporting of Currency and Foreign Transactions Act of 1970, (The Bank Secrecy Act) It requires institutions to maintain appropriate records and file certain reports involving currency transactions and a financial institution’s customer relationships.
This is already being done. And there are many more regulations like this.
I don't have to come up with a detailed plan. I don't have to design the system. Congress just has to make a law. It is well within the auspices of the Constitution for Congress to impose any regulation on any money leaving the country.
The financial institutions comply or the feds come in and it's over.
This point is now moot.
Not really Aaron - why? Because these new restraints proposed by Trump call into being the extracting of information concerning ethnic background which go beyond anything now in place.
Now of course being the president (if he wins, which is probable) he can enact new laws (even against the constitution) to ask and pry into ethnic background and financial transactions which are presently illegal (e.g. airlines can not ask an individual purchasing a ticket if he/she is moslem and restrict them if they answer "yes" for fear they will blow up the plane).
Just as they cannot ask "are you Mexican, "are you an illegal alien?", are you sending this money you earned here in America to a family member? OK well we have to detain you".
The point is not so much the ability to create systems and software to do these things but the impact it will have upon ALL the citizenry because we would need to ask these personal questions of everybody involved in these transnational procedures.
That is IMO the major point - more laws and regulations, more lost freedoms at the expense of immigration integrity proposed by an avowed "conservative".