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Don't Hate Me Cause I'm Smart....lol

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Active Member
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Got to make a living (done to much labor work all my life, now I have to use my brain at 50 and single) and after much prayer and thought and confirmation I was called to WRITE...I've done over 100 articles in 17 months and have 4 books in mind.

That is why nothing you guys say makes a difference...WHO ARE YOU TO STOP THE WILL OF GOD?

Calvinist aught to have liked that one lol

If you can earn a living by writing, then good for you. Just don't go making any large purchases on credit. ;)


Well-Known Member
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Got to make a living (done to much labor work all my life, now I have to use my brain at 50 and single) and after much prayer and thought and confirmation I was called to WRITE...I've done over 100 articles in 17 months and have 4 books in mind.

That is why nothing you guys say makes a difference...WHO ARE YOU TO STOP THE WILL OF GOD?

Calvinist aught to have liked that one lol

Have any of the articles been published? If so, give us some links so we can read them. Thanks.


New Member
I'm with Scarlett on this one. I'm not an evolutionist but I can't buy into the earth being only 6,000 years old. There are trees living right now that are older than that!

As far as the 6-24 hour time frame Scarlett brought up good points about the hectic Day 6 that Adam must have had if you ascribe to 24 hour days.

One other thing--the Bible says that the Lord planted a garden eastward of Eden and that trees GREW out of the ground. (Gen. 2:8-9). So would you describe this as happening in one day? If so, you are talking about trees growing from seeds to fully mature in one day. I'm imagining those time-lapse nature films showing plants rapidly growing from a seedling to a large plant in 30 seconds or so. Is this how you envision it?

YOU ARE WRONG..the oldest tree is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old showing a flood.

You really should check your facts before you say wrong stuff.

See that isn't what you will find me doing...I can back up everything I say...that what one does with TRUTH!...it's easy.



New Member
Have any of the articles been published? If so, give us some links so we can read them. Thanks.

Sure, when it is done you are not the only one asking. I just had them corrected and edited by a friend who is way better at grammar and spelling than I am...she said I few run on sentences and some errors, I have to do a cover letter and I have about 10 Christan magazines in mind and all the info on how to go about it...so I'm hoping next week sometime. Need top start a blog as well.

My books I have in minds are

"What God Desires Of A Healthy Church"

"My Memoir"

"Stupid Things Christians Say"

"The Five Factors To A Godly Life"

Cool thing about doing all those articles I won't feel rushed as I have so many I can go over and make them fit a more broader audience. I feel God's leading and don't think it wasn't easy...Satan has attacked me mercilessly for 5 years now or more to discourage what God wants to do in me to the point of wanting to give up not only with what He has called me to do, but life in general...now He has me back on track getting better all the time.


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Hi Don,

I would have to somewhat disagree with you.

Paul stood for the defense (apologia) of the Gospel -- Php. 1:7.

It indeed does need to be defended. That is why we have and use apologetics in ministry.

- Blessings

While I agree with what you say, my context was in regards to the OP.and subsequent posts. For example, if someone denied Christ, that definitely must be defended. But if someone posts truth, but does so couched in terms of "I'm in the 1%"; and subsequently receives comments regarding the "1%" comment, not the truth part -- then the originator of the message MUST consider if the truth is being hidden by the other parts of the message; and must consider whether those parts are necessary to the message, or detractors from the message.

And whoever edits the material, if they're allowing the message to continue being obscured by the parts that a majority of readers are finding problematic, are not being helpful.

I've heard many a preacher talk about how they were the only ones preaching on certain subjects; about how their church was the only one standing against the darkness; about how they were the only ones this and the only ones that ... and somewhere along the way, people in those churches became glad they were the only ones, and forgot about all the others.

Know what I mean?


Active Member
While I agree with what you say, my context was in regards to the OP.and subsequent posts. For example, if someone denied Christ, that definitely must be defended. But if someone posts truth, but does so couched in terms of "I'm in the 1%"; and subsequently receives comments regarding the "1%" comment, not the truth part -- then the originator of the message MUST consider if the truth is being hidden by the other parts of the message; and must consider whether those parts are necessary to the message, or detractors from the message.

And whoever edits the material, if they're allowing the message to continue being obscured by the parts that a majority of readers are finding problematic, are not being helpful.

I've heard many a preacher talk about how they were the only ones preaching on certain subjects; about how their church was the only one standing against the darkness; about how they were the only ones this and the only ones that ... and somewhere along the way, people in those churches became glad they were the only ones, and forgot about all the others.

Know what I mean?

Of course I agree with you about those who feel they are mavericks of truth.

- Blessings

Robert Snow

New Member
Sure, when it is done you are not the only one asking. I just had them corrected and edited by a friend who is way better at grammar and spelling than I am...she said I few run on sentences and some errors, I have to do a cover letter and I have about 10 Christan magazines in mind and all the info on how to go about it...so I'm hoping next week sometime. Need top start a blog as well.

My books I have in minds are..."Stupid Things Christians Say"

This one should be easy for you to write.


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I mean 30 who like what I write and follow what I write regularly and say so, mostly privately...I have over 200 on my list.
Oh! I am so very sorry!
So, if you have 200 people following you on facebook, and not just 30, then that gives you license to break the rules of the board?
Just trying to find out your logic here.


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You are right and most who know me and even those who don't read my stuff say they are INSPIRED and enjoy reading my post. I have many followers (over 30 just on my facebook alone and many on forums, although many to afraid to stand up for fear of being attacked) including pastors and other godly people who enjoy my writings...for they speak truth and they tell me so.

Charles Manson has over 5700 followers. Followers doesn't mean you are good or right. You say your posts are "inspired"? I thought the Word of God was inspired. Do you compare the two?

Thousand Hills

Active Member

YOUR opinion of me doesn't matter...be Satan's tools, maybe that is the whole point to perfect me and expose evil.

have a nice day :)

My dear ol pappy used to say, son "It's hard to soar like an eagle when your flying with turkeys". I get the feeling you would agree.

The OP = eagle
The rest of BB = turkeys

Sapper Woody

Well-Known Member
The problem isn't your message. No one here has even said a thing about your message. No one here has said that you should be jealous of those who have gifts they don't.

The problem is the egotistical way in which it is delivered. The very thread title, "Don't have me because I'm smart" implies arrogance. The message that you tried to put forth was completely and utterly lost by the way you portrayed yourself as better than everyone else. No one cares what message you have to give, if you can't get past yourself to deliver it.

As I said earlier, if you don't want people to think you are arrogant and full of yourself, then you shouldn't write as if you are.

Also, don't tell people that their opinion doesn't matter, and then cite your numbers following you as proof that what you have to say need to be heard. It's oxymoronic, and basically says, "The only opinion that matters are those of the people who agree with me."

If you have a message you believe to be from God, then deliver it. But don't stand in God's way by exalting yourself.


New Member
WHAT IS TRUTH?...Click on the link for the whole article, or should I say the whole TRUTH...

The Offensive Nature of Truth
When the concept of truth is maligned, it usually for one or more of the following reasons:

One common complaint against anyone claiming to have absolute truth in matters of faith and religion is that such a stance is “narrow-minded.” However, the critic fails to understand that, by nature, truth is narrow. Is a math teacher narrow-minded for holding to the belief that 2 + 2 only equals 4?

Another objection to truth is that it is arrogant to claim that someone is right and another person is wrong. However, returning to the above example with mathematics, is it arrogant for a math teacher to insist on only one right answer to an arithmetic problem? Or is it arrogant for a locksmith to state that only one key will open a locked door?

A third charge against those holding to absolute truth in matters of faith and religion is that such a position excludes people, rather than being inclusive. But such a complaint fails to understand that truth, by nature, excludes its opposite. All answers other than 4 are excluded from the reality of what 2 + 2 truly equals.

Yet another protest against truth is that it is offensive and divisive to claim one has the truth. Instead, the critic argues, all that matters is sincerity. The problem with this position is that truth is immune to sincerity, belief, and desire. It doesn’t matter how much one sincerely believes a wrong key will fit a door; the key still won’t go in and the lock won’t be opened. Truth is also unaffected by sincerity. Someone who picks up a bottle of poison and sincerely believes it is lemonade will still suffer the unfortunate effects of the poison. Finally, truth is impervious to desire. A person may strongly desire that their car has not run out of gas, but if the gauge says the tank is empty and the car will not run any farther, then no desire in the world will miraculously cause the car to keep going.

Some will admit that absolute truth exists, but then claim such a stance is only valid in the area of science and not in matters of faith and religion. This is a philosophy called logical positivism, which was popularized by philosophers such as David Hume and A. J. Ayer. In essence, such people state that truth claims must either be (1) tautologies (for example, all bachelors are unmarried men) or empirically verifiable (that is, testable via science). To the logical positivist, all talk about God is nonsense.

Those who hold to the notion that only science can make truth claims fail to recognize is that there are many realms of truth where science is impotent. For example:

• Science cannot prove the disciplines of mathematics and logic because it presupposes them.
• Science cannot prove metaphysical truths such as, minds other than my own do exist.
• Science is unable to provide truth in the areas of morals and ethics. You cannot use science, for example, to prove the Nazis were evil.
• Science is incapable of stating truths about aesthetic positions such as the beauty of a sunrise.
• Lastly, when anyone makes the statement “science is the only source of objective truth,” they have just made a philosophical claim—which cannot be tested by science.

And there are those who say that absolute truth does not apply in the area of morality. Yet the response to the question, “Is is moral to torture and murder an innocent child?” is absolute and universal: No. Or, to make it more personal, those who espouse relative truth concerning morals always seem to want their spouse to be absolutely faithful to them.

Why Truth is Important

Why is it so important to understand and embrace the concept of absolute truth in all areas of life (including faith and religion)? Simply because life has consequences for being wrong. Giving someone the wrong amount of a medication can kill them; having an investment manager make the wrong monetary decisions can impoverish a family; boarding the wrong plane will take you where you do not wish to go; and dealing with an unfaithful marriage partner can result in the destruction of a family and, potentially, disease.

As Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias puts it, “The fact is, the truth matters – especially when you’re on the receiving end of a lie.” And nowhere is this more important than in the area of faith and religion. Eternity is an awfully long time to be wrong.



New Member
This all started because many believe in a evolution science of the age of the earth, rather than taking God's word for what it says a literal 6 days...the fact that most believe a lie and defy COMMON SENSE...remember plants and vegetation cannot reproduce or even survive long without animals and critters...MANURE, come on fertilizer? BEES and pollen, BIRDS and seeds...etc. So If I am in the "Minority" I think that is sad and speaks for the need to get people back to basics. Take the "6 day creation debate"

For a true believer with any common sense and a real desire for TRUTH to walk away after seeing the proof in a LITERAL 6 DAY CREATION in the video "age of the earth"...and still believe in any form of evolution, is believing a LIE. Like I've said in my OP, Satan uses LIES to deceive and work his purpose, God uses TRUTH.

It was at the fall of mankind, when Satan mixed some truth with some lies. The author shows and proves how devastating believing in evolution on any scale is WRONG and DANGEROUS. In fact, it is the biggest lie of all to lead man to hell...it almost was mine.

FOUNDATION is always the key, even Jesus said, "UPON THIS FOUNDATION (He is the rock) I will build my church," He also said, "that the one whose FOUNDATION is built on sand will surely be shaken and destroyed. But the foundation that is built on Him (TRUTH) will stand"...I feel, I am on a FIRM foundation and I make NO APOLOGIES for it.

That is the problem with "Christianity" today, too many are walking around drinking and desiring milk. You also have those who in their pride and self serving agenda's are out there teaching and preaching extremes that harm and tear down, rather than build up and edify.....why? Because these faulty systems and "powers that be" are producing weak, anemic and dying sheep...if they had only desired the right balance of WHO GOD IS and what He wants from us, then more would be in agreement with me and what Pastor Whitaker taught and I am sure others...my ex and I had the EXACT SAME DOCTRINE and is one reason I was attracted to him and we didn't even learn it from the same church, but now I know it is a rare thing. The RARE PART is what NEEDS to be taught more...BALANCE, LOVE and TRUTH!...Separating the LIES from the TRUTH and LOVING God and others to the best of my ability, based on SUBMITTING and YIELDING and then in His power, He produces the "fruits of the spirit" through me...IT AIN'T ABOUT ME!

That is my message and I am sorry if people don't get it...that is Ok, cause I am ACCOUNTABLE to God when it comes down to it, more than I am any one person.
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New Member
I spent a good bit of time watching the Seminar 1 series. He puts forth very understandable arguments about the age of the Earth. Some of the basis of his conclusions are that the evolutionists cannot prove their theories with any accuracy. He also uses what is called limiting markers, like the example of the sunken ship. If one finds coins on the ship with the latest dated 1700, then one knows the ship sunk after 1700. Since the evolutionists cannot give precise facts and dates, then the only known limiting factor is Genesis.

Also, the illustration about the ice cores taken out by scientists in Greenland was fascinating. Worldly scientists will take out a core of ice way down to measure the rings that form annually, according to them. They calculated a certain level to 135,000 years. Everyone knows the story of the lost squadron from WW2 that landed in Greenland. The planes were left abandoned. A man from Middlesboro, KY retrieved the planes, and had to dig way down into the ice from its accumulation over the years. Taking the 50 years at the time since WW2, the rate of ice cover came to 1800 years, not 135.000.

He has other seminars to explain the dinosaurs, etc, that I have not seen yet.

My bottom line is this is all good to see, proof that confirms ones faith. For me, as far as I ever got into it was reading Genesis, and believing it literally by faith.


New Member
My dear ol pappy used to say, son "It's hard to soar like an eagle when your flying with turkeys". I get the feeling you would agree.

The OP = eagle
The rest of BB = turkeys

Watch it buddy. LOL



New Member

I did all these things in my life...and so can you...:)

Edited by Josh W., Ben Rubenstein, Lucas Halbert, Horses4Ever and 96 others
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Do you ever feel less intelligent around other people? Are you embarrassed when you don’t know the answer to a teacher’s question? Everybody has those times when they just feel like they don’t know anything. Of course, you can’t know everything, but no matter how smart you are, you can start becoming more intelligent today.

1. 1
Improve your memory. Much of what is generally considered intelligence is simply the ability to remember things well. You can improve your ability to retain and recall memories in a variety of ways, including using mnemonics and by paying more attention to details.

2. 2
Study more effectively. If you find yourself at a loss when your teacher puts you on the spot, or if you perform poorly on exams, you may not be studying enough. Even if you study a lot, improving your study skills can make a big difference. A variety of wikiHows offer tips to help you.

3. 3
Read a lot. Just about everything that humans know can be found in print, whether in books and magazines or on the internet. Become a voracious reader, and you’ll expose yourself to more ideas and information. If you’re a slow reader, consider learning speed reading. Consider jotting down notes, and perhaps looking up a word or two in the dictionary.

4. 4
Visit the library frequently and pick up anything which looks interesting to you. The subject matter is not quite as important as is the act of reading. Always have something good to read at hand.

5. 5
Be more curious. How do some people get to know so much? Good memory skills are only part of the answer: you also have to be curious. If you’re satisfied going through life with little or no understanding of things you’re unfamiliar with, you won’t learn much. Make a conscious effort to be more curious by reminding yourself that developing your curiosity will broaden your horizons and help to make you more intelligent.

6. 6
Research. Curiosity without initiative is like having a car that’s out of gas — it won’t take you anywhere. Fortunately, when it comes to knowledge you’re never far from success. If you read a word that you don’t know, look it up in the dictionary. If you wonder how airplanes fly, read a book about it. If you want to know more about politics, pick up a newspaper. With Internet access now pervasive, there’s less excuse for not finding something out that you want to know.

7. 7
Learn how to look things up. If you know how to use references, from an internet search engine to an encyclopedia, you’ll be able to find the information you want more quickly and effectively. Effective researching skills will nourish your curiosity because you’ll become more confident in your ability to access knowledge. If your research skills leave something to be desired, take a class or workshop on how to research, ask a librarian or teacher, or simply practice researching. Or just press the "help" tabs on the internet and computer programs and read.

8. 8
Figure things out on your own. There’s a lot more to intelligence than “book smarts". We can all learn to perform everyday tasks at work, home, and school better and more intelligently. If you don’t know how to do something, resist the urge to ask somebody else to do it for you or show you how. In most cases, you’ll be able to figure it out on your own, either by trial-and-error or by researching. While it usually takes longer to figure something out than it does to ask about it, you’ll learn more about the overall process, and you’ll remember it better. Most importantly, you’ll exercise your problem-solving skills instead of your “do as you’re told” skills.

9. 9
Ask for help. It’s great to figure things out on your own, but sometimes you don’t have enough time to do so, despite your best efforts. Don’t give up; ask somebody to show you how. Make sure to pay close attention and ask any questions that you have, so that you’ll never have to ask the same thing again.

10. 10
Exercise your mind in different ways. Most of us are good at the things we excel in naturally or the activities we do everyday. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill or to think in a different way, however, and you’ll actually become more intelligent. Choose something you’d like to learn to do (play the accordion, for example) or a subject you don’t do well in (maybe math) and focus on that thing. Initially, you may be uncomfortable and feel even less intelligent than you did before, but if you study or practice diligently, you’ll become more confident, and you’ll make new connections in your mind.

11. 11
Teach others. In order to teach something to somebody else, you’ve got to know it pretty well. When you try to explain an idea or skill to somebody else, you’ll not only remember it better yourself, you’ll also find that the other person’s questions will help you find out how well you really know what you’re talking about.

12. 12
Learn a new word each day. Go through the dictionary and find a word that you don't know already, then practice using it throughout the day. When you come across a new word when doing #3, look it up.

13. 13
Do your homework if you're in school! Don't procrastinate, finish it last minute, or copy someone's paper. The homework is there for practice, and when you do it, you'll become more confident in that subject. But remember, homework time is not the same as study time, so you can't count homework as studying.

14. 14
Find a hobby that interests you. Many people increase their intelligence by attempting to get better at something that they're already good at. For example, not only does it make a computer programmer look smarter if they know C++, but it can help you with your job.

15. 15
Surround yourself with intelligent people. Being around people that are smarter than you can help you become more knowledgeable.

16. 16
Read the news. Keeping up with current events will let you know what's going on in the world, while also exercising step 3.

17. 17
Practice your writing skills as well. Writing allows you to input your knowledge into creativity. Whether you write short, fantasy stories or reports on WWII, it's always great to practice your writing skills. Try exercising your brain and writing a little something every day, whether it be describing your emotions or writing descriptive paragraphs just about the weather.
18. 18
Learn a new language. It has been proven that learning new languages makes one generally smarter. Children who knew two languages or more had more grey matter than those who didn't. And grey matter is responsible for processing information, including memory, speech and sensory perception.

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