Active Member
In the meantime, I see that many people view God's creation and what He does in His word through the lens of God loving everyone ( John 3:16 ).
And thank God they do!
...and Him deciding who to have mercy and compassion on ( Exodus 33:19, Romans 9:14-18 ) and who, among all the mass of God-hating, sin-loving humanity, not to.
You know though Dave if you're going to quote Rom 9 that's fine. But you better quote the later chapters as well. Are you aware that the ones who were rejected in Rom 9 it is said they could still be grafted in?
Him saving His children, and casting the children of the devil into eternal fire.
Nobody here is denying ones who choose to stay in darkness won't be cast into hell.
God, on His throne, still shows even His enemies His grace by sending the rain to fall on the just and the unjust.
While He shows His children His everlasting love...
I suspect you've really made your mind up about this which I consider most unfortunate. To others I'd bring up the story of the good Samaritan....he showed goodness to the one beaten up by the robbers BUT DIDN'T just give a measure of help but FOLLOWED IT THROUGH until the man was fully restored. He told the inn keeper he was leaving but gave instructions for the keeper to take care of him until his recovery was FULL and he'd pay him for the expenses. I'd kindly suggest you really do need to focus on Luke 10 with an emphasis on verse 35.
Lesson learned....what God calls mercy and grace can only be defined as such which stays with one until the recovery is FULL. Your stating well God shows men grace but well not salvation grace is such a diminishing of the LOVE nature of God it startles the mind that one could even consider it.
It can be compared to one lost in the wilderness and another drops down a few goods from a helicopter and takes off not willing to show further help KNOWING they're still going to die. Not only is it not mercy not only is it not grace I think many would call it a form of cruelty. I believe God would as well.
Let me ask....if you were in a burning building and someone made sure you had a few water bottles to cool you down would you by any stretch of the imagination make a statement that they really showed you grace? Showing grace is REAL HELP and any help God shows is GENUINE not a half measure which means really absolutely nothing.