Ok HeirofSalvation: Since you chose to jump into a conversation you weren't involved in...
Yours is Post no. 11....in a "conversation" which did not, at that point even exist.....In a forum such as this, all are presumably invited to respond and inject themself at will. I have a question for you....At precisely what point or post were you personally invited to join what appears to be your private conversation?
I would love to hear how this is a false dichotomy...because simply denying something doesn't make it so...
You would not (in fact)
to hear how that is a false dichotomy.....I will not do your homework for you. You have attempted to engage in some form of deductive argument already, (a Reductio ad absurdum) it is also flawed in that it poses a false dichotomy....I need not attempt to convice you of how it poses a false dichotomy, it is enough, for my purposes, that it be challenged on that basis and any thinking individuals will think it through themself. I will give you this hint though.....It has something to do with my first post about "power" having nothing to do with the subject....HINT HINT, WINK, WINK.
And if it is possible you can leave the tone of arrogance and the insults out of your response...they don't interest me nor bring glory to Christ...
You know already that it is
, (are the signifigantly more Christ-like than I ALWAYS so intellectually dis-honest I wonder??)
Don't play rhetorical games with words when you are already clearly outclassed. That being said.....I admit and own unequivocally my often "arrogant" demeanor. It is a struggle which is VERY hard for me to control...I am extremely impatient with what are perceived by me to be sophomoric arguments....You must understand, the first post I ever saw from you was a Straw-man about God not having the "power" to accomplish a certain thing.....Your initial question about why you are guilty of a "false dichotomy" centers on this.
I do own and admit, that I often portray a "tone" which is less than utterly humble and it is not always particularly "God-glorifying"....this is because I have very little patience for logically fallacious arguments and your initial post to Yeshua was the very definition of it.....that being said: Search please,
your own purposes in making your statement about this, as it might be equally un-productive (at least as arriving upon truth is concerned) as it might be a form of "well-poinsoning" in that you have merely pointed out the obvious: Namely, that I often sound like an arrogant Arse....but it still does not negate either the truth or falsehood of any of my possible claims....and it fails to answer how God's "power" or ability is in any way involved. You are pointing out personal flaws in order to deflect from your.....by my count:
3 Informal logic fallacies:
1.) Straw-Man
2.) Well-Poisoning
3.) Shifting burden of Proof
I leave it to you to GOOGLE those, and respond, as I will not do your homework for you.
and as I have in no way used them towards anyone in this thread I think it is more than a little out of place
Debateable itself....but, you have answered none of my questions....I have already tacitly posed many of the answers to your post, when I pointed out to you that YOU, YOU ALONE, YOU (as a corporation of one), YOU, as an Independent moral agent, mentioned God's "power" to accomplish a thing....it is not upon the onus of Yeshua to whom you posed that idea to answer....it is upon you to explain what you think God's Power to be.
You are a "Pastor"....at least acc. your screen-name....and as such, I would assume that the hard-working people from whom you extract your salary, no doubt, have a right to an elder capable of holding his own ground against a formally-non-educated Prison-Guard such as myself...I would maintain that the hard-working people from whom you extract your salary, can expect you to be able to figure out for yourself how your un-solicited and un-warranted reference to God's "Power" is even remotely relevant to the questions heretofore posed.