Taught of God
Is it possible to claim you have been "taught" if you neither have "heard" the teacher or "learned" from a teacher? No!
Is it possible to claim you have taught "ALL" if SOME have never "heard" you speak or "learned" from you? No!
Therefore, for "all" to be "taught of God" demands that "EVERY MAN" must have "heard" and have "learned" of God or else "ALL" have not been taught of God.
Here is the exegetical problem for Winman and James. Jesus demands that "EVERY MAN" who has "heard" and "learned" comes to him. NONE fail to come to Him that have been "TAUGHT" of God if teaching includes hearing and learning.
This not only demonstrastes their interpretation of this text is theological based instead of exegetical based but these facts completely repudiate their theology. It demands that "ALL" equals "EVERY MAN" in verse 45 or NONE have been taught by God.
This also demonstrates that verse 45 is further explanatory of verse 44 and what it means to be drawn by the Father. Drawing by the Father must refer to INTERNAL influence by the Father that brings them to Christ in faith because Christ does not promise to raise unbeleivers to life. To be drawn by the Father is to be "taught" by the Father and teaching requires they have both "heard" and "learned" of the Father. The latter "learned" includes obedience which results in coming to the Son.
This whole context defends that faith is the work of God (v. 29) explained in God giving, drawing/teaching so that a person comes to Christ in faith. This is the effectual call clearly taught elsewhere in Scripture (1 Cor. 1:26-31; Rom. 8:28-30; etc.).
Jesus said that the PLURAL "prophets" said this:
And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. - Jer. 31:34
This passage is quoted by the writer of hebrews (Heb. 8; 10) and called the "new" covenant which not only will be applied to Israel IN THE FUTURE but is applied to the Hebrew Christians being written to as the "new" covenant (Heb. 10:15-17). It is contrasted to the "old" covenant and described as the "new" covenant fulfilled by the sacrifice of Christ as our High Priest (Heb. 8-10). Hence, "ALL" in John 6:45 refers to the covenant seed of promise or all those "given" to Christ (Rom. 4:16; Jn. 17:3) or the elect.