Hey bro, a few things here.
One, you put too much information out about yourself online. I love you man, but you really need to exercise prudence and put an end to exposing so many details about yourself as it almost always leads to ridicule.
Secondly, there is the typical tribe who will come out and relentlessly attack you as SOON as you post ANYTHING and will do so so they can feel self-righteous about themselves. They belittle you to make themselves feel bigger and that is a fact. Hopefully you can see this yourself and will learn from this as it happens over and over.
John, why lend yourself to such abuse?
I have to ask, is it because somehow you feel persecuted and energized by it? If so, rethink your position.
Thirdly, I do believe you need to readjust your attitude toward the lost. You judge them relentlessly and then are persecuted, fired, or what have you, then come on here to complain. Judgment starts at the house of God, so please bro quit judging and condemning the lost for their language, immorality and whatever and reserve that for the House of God. They are lost, and they are doing their job as lost people. Have compassion on them, and exercise wisdom upon them as a witness for Christ and realize they won't walk right until converted, and frankly, you're trying to get them to act converted prior to their being born again and slam them for their behavior.
I sincerely hope you will in humility consider this for a LONG TIME and not come back with some defense of your person. You John are in the wrong and I say this in love to you.
- Blessings