Just in addition, let me share an anecdote. Not too long ago my wife and I drove to the Lake Michigan beach in Racine where I have memories from high school days. One day I walked to the beach from our house, and happened on a homeless man sitting on a bench. Thinking to witness to him, I sat down with him. His idea, though, was to defend his drinking. He said, "Jesus made wine in the Bible, so it's okay for me to drink."
Make of it what you will. Time for Calminian to holler, "Emotionalism!" Tell you what, just so Calminian can do that, here's another anecdote. As a boy, I went with my Dad to the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, where he was to preach. As we walked down the street, he stopped by a drunk lying in the gutter, and said, "Johnny, that's what liquor will do." That's all he said. Dad knew whereof he spoke. His father was a drunkard who used to come home and beat him. Granddad died young, so then Dad's two older brothers used to do the same--come home and beat him. "More than 10 percent of U.S. children live with a parent with alcohol problems, according to a 2012 study." (Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA))
Tell you what, I'd rather err on the side of caution with alcohol, and only imbibe for cough syrup than to take a chance on being the one of ten drinkers who become alcoholics. Emotional? Maybe so. But that's okay. Emotion isn't sinful.
Make of it what you will. Time for Calminian to holler, "Emotionalism!" Tell you what, just so Calminian can do that, here's another anecdote. As a boy, I went with my Dad to the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, where he was to preach. As we walked down the street, he stopped by a drunk lying in the gutter, and said, "Johnny, that's what liquor will do." That's all he said. Dad knew whereof he spoke. His father was a drunkard who used to come home and beat him. Granddad died young, so then Dad's two older brothers used to do the same--come home and beat him. "More than 10 percent of U.S. children live with a parent with alcohol problems, according to a 2012 study." (Alcohol Facts and Statistics | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA))
Tell you what, I'd rather err on the side of caution with alcohol, and only imbibe for cough syrup than to take a chance on being the one of ten drinkers who become alcoholics. Emotional? Maybe so. But that's okay. Emotion isn't sinful.